mehboss / CustomRecipes

CustomRecipes source code
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[Feature Request]: Unplaceable items #8

Closed MummieSenpai closed 12 months ago

MummieSenpai commented 1 year ago

as you make some custom items would be nice to have an option in the config or a new config for blacklisting/whitelisting crafting recipe items.

for example if you make a special item with the plugin a block or an item like a chest or a torch that is used in a multi craft recipe and a player places it it loses all data if we could prevent this it would keep data .

example config could be


 #Message Displayed to Player When They Try Place An Unplaceable Block
  No_Perm_Place: '&4You Cannot Place an Unplaceable Block!'

#List of Names Which, When On a Block, Cannot Be Placed
- 'example text'

#List of Lore Which, When On a Block, Cannot Be Placed
- 'example text'

or if in recipe config an extra line placeable: false

mehboss commented 1 year ago

Instead of this formatting, would it be best to add a string into the recipes files such as: "Allow-Placement: false' or something along those lines. I can also add a configurable message in the config to go along with this new feature too.

Thank you for the suggestion!

mehboss commented 12 months ago


I have added this feature in the newest update. The other feature (placeholders) will be following shortly. Please refer here to download.

Thank you