mehcode / config-rs

⚙️ Layered configuration system for Rust applications (with strong support for 12-factor applications).
Apache License 2.0
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Switch from yaml-rust to yaml-rust2 #567

Closed gionapaolini closed 3 weeks ago

gionapaolini commented 3 weeks ago

It looks like the yaml-rust crate is not actively maintained anymore.

cargo-deny ( suggests to switch to yaml-rust2

cargo deny check advisories

error[unmaintained]: yaml-rust is unmaintained.
    ┌─ ....../Cargo.lock:313:1
313 │ yaml-rust 0.4.5 registry+
    │ --------------------------------------------------------------------- unmaintained advisory detected
    = ID: RUSTSEC-2024-0320
    = Advisory:
    = The maintainer seems [unreachable](

      Many issues and pull requests have been submitted over the years
      without any [response](

      ## Alternatives

      Consider switching to the actively maintained `yaml-rust2` fork of the original project:

      - [yaml-rust2](
      - [yaml-rust2 @](
    = Announcement:
    = Solution: No safe upgrade is available!
    = yaml-rust v0.4.5
      └── config v0.14.0
gionapaolini commented 3 weeks ago

I apologise for the oversight, there is already a merged pr for that
