mehdi-fathi / eloquent-filter

Eloquent Filter is a package for filter data of models by the query strings. Easy to use and fully dynamic.
MIT License
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How to use directly my custom filter? #209

Closed anonymuos1 closed 2 months ago

anonymuos1 commented 4 months ago


How can I use my custom filter in filter() method?

trait ModelFilter
    public function filterCustomOwn(Builder $builder, $value) {
    return $builder;

This not work: Model::filter(["own" => 1])->paginate();

But works from url, if I not pass data to filter() method.

Thank you!

mehdi-fathi commented 3 months ago


I checked and seems there isn't any problem with it. I guess you made a mistake in another place unless you are sure, provide more information about the problem.