mehdime / DbContextScope

A simple and flexible way to manage your Entity Framework DbContext instances
MIT License
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Having a Default DbContextFactory #34

Open reader-man opened 8 years ago

reader-man commented 8 years ago

Maybe it would be nice to have a Default DbContextFactory, that gives the client the possibility to set the connection string for projects that have multiple DBs.

namespace Mehdime.Entity
    public class DbContextFactoryDefault : IDbContextFactory
        string _connection;
        public DbContextFactoryDefault(string connection_)
            _connection = connection_;

        public TDbContext CreateDbContext<TDbContext>() where TDbContext : DbContext
            object[] arguments = new object[1] { (object)_connection };

            return (TDbContext)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TDbContext), arguments);


Dim dbContextScopeFactory = New DbContextScopeFactory(New DbContextFactoryDefault("testCon"))
Dim ambientDbContextLocator = New AmbientDbContextLocator()
