In trying to merge adVNTR output files across multiple samples using bcftools merge, I get an error:
[W::vcf_parse] FILTER ' .' is not defined in the header
[E::vcf_parse] Could not add dummy header for FILTER ' .'
1) Is FILTER " ." not meant to be included...No FILTER "PASS" in my output...Only "."
2) Should I just edit vcf file header to add ##FILTER=<ID=., Description="xyzzy"
3) Would you suggest an alternative way to merge files across samples? Other than bcftools..?
In trying to merge adVNTR output files across multiple samples using bcftools merge, I get an error: [W::vcf_parse] FILTER ' .' is not defined in the header [E::vcf_parse] Could not add dummy header for FILTER ' .'
1) Is FILTER " ." not meant to be included...No FILTER "PASS" in my output...Only "." 2) Should I just edit vcf file header to add ##FILTER=<ID=., Description="xyzzy"
3) Would you suggest an alternative way to merge files across samples? Other than bcftools..?