mehrdadrad / mylg

Network Diagnostic Tool
MIT License
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mylg.config now in .config. and many small non-code changes. #66

Closed jungle-boogie closed 7 years ago

mehrdadrad commented 7 years ago

@jungle-boogie Thanks for the commits!

jungle-boogie commented 7 years ago


yes, the config would be lost. How can we make it copy it to the new location? Alternatively, in release notes you can mention the new location.

The binary file was a mistake as I built and added mylg on my branch and inadvertently committed it.

gummiboll commented 7 years ago

A solution would be to run a check if ~/.mylg.config exists, move it to ~/.config/mylg.config just before the configuration is loaded.

However, and this is just my $0.02, I dont think mylg should create/use a generically named directory in the users ~ for just one file. I kinda feel like mylg's configuration file should be just a dotfile in ~. If mylg should create a directory to store its configuration I think it should use ~/.mylg/config or smething like that.

jungle-boogie commented 7 years ago

The reason I like it in .config is because that's where lots of other configuration files are saved. In my own .config, I have: htop, hub, mutt, ntfy, profanity, syncthing.

If I want to automate backups of my home directory, I could do everything in my home directory or simply important things I want to keep, which includes .config. I think there's a stronger likelihood of someone forgetting mylg saves files to ~/.mylg.config and not ~/.config/mylg.config

You're right, some the items in my .config are directories that contain only single files within the directory.

% ls -l .config/ntfy
total 4
-rw-r--r--  1 user user  92 Apr 19  2016 ntfy.yml
gummiboll commented 7 years ago

Ah, I have missed the fact that many applications nowdays put their config in .config. Then my point about that might be a bit useless. :D

jungle-boogie commented 7 years ago

no problem!

Would you be happy with ~/.config/mylg/mylg.config?

If so, do you have any suggestions on check/move code?

mehrdadrad commented 7 years ago

@jungle-boogie I think we need to have an issue for this subject (change configuration path) then we can discuss and track it.

mehrdadrad commented 7 years ago

@jungle-boogie Thanks!