mehrvarz / webcall-android

WebCall for Android - Web-Telephony P2P Messaging File-Exchange E2E-Encryption No-SIM
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Can the ringtone be changed manually? #14

Closed NCHU611A closed 1 year ago

NCHU611A commented 1 year ago

Hi, Is there a function to change the ringtone music? I want to change the ringtone music to my favorite music. But I didn't see the .mp3 file in the folder. So I want to ask you what if I want to change the ringtone music. Thank you.

mehrvarz commented 1 year ago

Normally the ringtone cannot be changed.

If you run your own webcall server you may be able to replace "webroot/callee/1980-phone-ringing.mp3". But this will only affect your web clients. WebCall Android client has it's own ringtone embedded inside so it can play a ringtone also if activity+webview are unloaded.

NCHU611A commented 1 year ago

Normally the ringtone cannot be changed.

If you run your own webcall server you may be able to replace "webroot/callee/1980-phone-ringing.mp3". But this will only affect your web clients.

I understand, thank you.

WebCall Android client has it's own ringtone embedded inside so it can play a ringtone also if activity+webview are unloaded.

But I don't quite understand what this sentence means, sorry.

Thank you.

mehrvarz commented 1 year ago

WebCall Android client does not fetch the ringtone from the server. It has the ringtone file already built in (src/main/res/raw/ringing.ogg). If you build the Android client from source, you can replace the ringtone here as well.

NCHU611A commented 1 year ago

Ok! Thank you!