mehrvarz / webcall-android

WebCall for Android - Web-Telephony P2P Messaging File-Exchange E2E-Encryption No-SIM
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Make it easy to copy weblink #6

Closed xandro0777 closed 2 years ago

xandro0777 commented 2 years ago

.. so it can be easily shared by any method available like email or text messaging.

mehrvarz commented 2 years ago

This should work already.

I would like to make this work with any domain configured by the user, but unfortunately Android intent filters are static. This is why it will currently only work with the server on

If you have WebCall app installed and you click on a link, you should be offered to open this link in WebCall (instead of a browser) and make a call directly. Please give it a try.

xandro0777 commented 2 years ago

No.. I am looking at the reverse scenario: I have installed the webcall app, created an id and want to send that id/url easily to my friends by email or text. I haven't found a way how to copy the url to clipboard or export it from the app.

mehrvarz commented 2 years ago

Misunderstood. Clicking on "You will receive calls made by this link" copies your user link to the clipboard.

ED: And this should work with any server domain currently configured.

xandro0777 commented 2 years ago

Works nicely. The reason I could not figure it out was that I was used to long-tap which opens the Android options instead. Maybe a share icon would help people like me to figure out the obvious.

mehrvarz commented 2 years ago

Core WebCall is a web app and there is no long-tap for web apps. (OTOH, web browsers have the best WebRTC implementations.) Anyways, I will think of something and improve this functionality.

mehrvarz commented 2 years ago

WebCall v1.0 now supports long-press on links (like the /user/ link discussed here) for clipboard copy.