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Wiki entries incorrect vs typo? #303

Closed CubaKing7 closed 6 years ago

CubaKing7 commented 6 years ago

On the wikki there are three pairs of Offset Group options, which are listed as the same but with different descriptions:

MaxHighLowPricePercentage: listed twice as working with 'shorter term average' and 'longer term average' but both entry code examples are "MaxHighLowPricePercentage"

MaxPriceTrendPercentageChange: Same exact issue as above.

MaxChangeFromOpen: Similar to above, except two entries, one says uses 'upside volatility' and the other entry says uses 'downside volatility' though both code entry examples are exactly "MaxChangeFromOpen".

Thank you!

mehtadone commented 6 years ago

New wiki: