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hostpolicy.dll fatal error - PTF not working #322

Closed CryptoFrogg closed 6 years ago

CryptoFrogg commented 6 years ago

Hey, @zwarbo on Discord help pointed to me that I should write here regards my fatal error issue...

I've upgraded PT1.x to PT2.x and (still) working superb :) ... also I've upgraded PTF1.4x to PTF1.5.x and this fatal error is blowing my mind... when opening CMD and writing dotnet pt-feeder.dll is not wotking.. i've tried repairing .net and rebooting, tried uninstalling, rebooting and reinstaling, and the result is the same... also the %PATH% is ok and showing (C:/Program files/dotnet)..

I would appreciate any help, so I can run PTF with PT..


hit770 commented 6 years ago

I have same issue.

mehtadone commented 6 years ago

@CryptoFrogg @hit770 can you try running the pi version from the release page? Same way as you are, it just comes with more dependencies included in the zip

CryptoFrogg commented 6 years ago

Did try it. not working... same error.. .

mehtadone commented 6 years ago

I'm a little stuck too. Do you have any dotnet runtimes installed? Seems to be one potential solution

CryptoFrogg commented 6 years ago

hmm... I think not...

CryptoFrogg commented 6 years ago

tried.. no luck.. any other ideas.?

mehtadone commented 6 years ago

Seems like you've tried everything. I think you mentioned on chat you uninstalled and reinstalled the dotnet SDK. I remember you showing on chat that it was working initially and there was another error. Can you remember what you did in the middle which started causing this error?

CryptoFrogg commented 6 years ago

yes I remember.. basically never worked after upgraded form previous version.. first my concern was the localhost:8081 that I had in hostsettings.json that was showing in CMD like was reading localhost:5001..


I took your advice ,.. you said that I was off with my setting (from PFT 1.4x) and I should use new setting that was in new 1.5x release (it make sence.. new release - new settings).. than I did that, and from that moment on the when I updated and applied 1.5.x setting on PTF this issue is been here like a flea on a dog..

Ereezy commented 6 years ago

this has not worked for me either since I downloaded the new file (1.5) for PT 2.0

tash649 commented 6 years ago

@Ereezy where are you from?

Ereezy commented 6 years ago

@CryptoFrogg @hit770 - I had VirMach (the company I run my VPS from) update everything and uninstall/reinstall .NET and it fixed the issue. I had a corrupt .NET which caused the error.

Hope this helps you guys

CryptoFrogg commented 6 years ago

ok thnx guys

mehtadone commented 6 years ago