mehtadone / PTFeeder

Official GitHub for ProfitTrailer's best buddy, PT Feeder. Be sure to visit their GitHub too.
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PT + PTF no trades no possible buy for 2 weeks PLEASE HELP #340

Closed Alexbkk18 closed 6 years ago

Alexbkk18 commented 6 years ago

ProfitTrailer info

Version: 2.0.6



Operating System:

Expected Behavior

Automatic trades with Profit Trailer Feeder

Current Behavior

the bot is active for 2 weeks now and no trades, no possible buys until now



Possible Solution

bad configuration ??

Steps to Reproduce

Configuration appsettings.json

Log files/console output

ProfitTrailer.log profittrailerfeeder.log

sunz1 commented 6 years ago

apsettings.json - For your bottom groupings you have to use [ or {

"Configs": [{ changes to "Configs": [ or "Configs": {

Alexbkk18 commented 6 years ago

sorry, I didn't post the correct appsettings.json file. This one has no "[{"

sunz1 commented 6 years ago

2018-05-27 18:19:12 ERROR BinanceWebSocketAdapterKline - onWebSocketError: Timeout on Read

Are you running PT/PTF locally or on a VPS?

Alexbkk18 commented 6 years ago


sunz1 commented 6 years ago

I don't want to sound like an asshole here but why are you playing around with 2 BTC on a local machine when you can get a solid VPS for $20 month.

I had binance API connection issues and after upgrading VPS to proper resources it has worked 100% since then. I am not sure if this is your exact issue. You can wait for a more seasoned user to comment here or get a VPS to test this theory I bet will resolve it but if not let us know.

Alexbkk18 commented 6 years ago

I deployed PT and PTF on a VPS. I don't have any errors anymore but still no orders, no possible buys ...

sunz1 commented 6 years ago

Go to: /config?file=PAIRS Do you see PTF version info here? ie:

PT Feeder Version: ---------------

sunz1 commented 6 years ago

On the possible buys log for potential good buys using your strategies: do you see it say TRUE for each buy strategy? Does it then start trailing?

mehtadone commented 6 years ago

Closing for now as this is a settings issue not a Feeder issue. There is a sub section on the forum if you need Feeder settings help.