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no comment written to PT config for selected config/group #346

Closed davewantsmoore closed 3 years ago

davewantsmoore commented 4 years ago

When this config is selected. I get a comment (under, # Selected configs #) for each applicable pair.

"MyGrouping": {
      "Condition": "[pair.Volume] >= [config.Vol]",
          "Configs": [{
            "Vol" : "20",
          "TrailingProfitOffset" : "100"    

... but for either of these next two. I don't get a comment in the top section of the PT config, to indicate they've been selected. But they ARE being selected (I can see my MaxTradingPairsOffset has been doubled as expected).

"MyGrouping": {
      "Condition": "[positions.TotalPairsBoughtCost] <= [config.Cost]",
          "Configs": [{
            "Cost" : "20",
          "MaxTradingPairsOffset" : "100"   
"MyGrouping": {
      "Condition": "[market.TopCoinsChange(1)] <= [config.Vol]",
          "Configs": [{
            "Vol" : "20",
          "MaxTradingPairsOffset" : "100"   
mehtadone commented 4 years ago

Just as a workaround for this until I get chance to fix it, if you add [pair.LastPrice] > 0 to your groupings, it will get printed in your pair comments. For example:

"MyGrouping": {
      "Condition": "[positions.TotalPairsBoughtCost] <= [config.Cost] && [pair.LastPrice] > 0 ",
          "Configs": [{
            "Cost" : "20",
          "MaxTradingPairsOffset" : "100"