mehtank / androminion

Androminion : Unofficial Dominion for Android
187 stars 64 forks source link

List of improvements (mostly UI) #363

Open EldRoos opened 8 years ago

EldRoos commented 8 years ago

Just found out that this game is updated since 4.02 - Yeaha! Very nice. Played the old one alot up to yesterday.

Here is a list on how to make the game even better. Should any of these changes not be made? Don't you understand what I mean on some thing? Other changes that would be nice to have? I'll update the list as you reply and I get new ideas. Are there any discussion board about Androminion? I am a developer myself and will probably add a few of these ideas of you guys like them.


Game UI:


UI Settings:

Game settings:





EldRoos commented 8 years ago

As no one replies I have to ask again. Is there some other place that you could discuss about Androminion or is this "Issues" the best one?

dominionator commented 8 years ago

As far as general discussion, github issues should be fine for general discussion, especially if it's centered around a feature or aspect of the app.

That's a lot of suggestions. It'll take a bit for me to think about the merits of each one. Generally for ideas that have merit, you would open a new issue for each one for discussion and linking any appropriate pull requests.

EldRoos commented 8 years ago

Yes I will start a new issue for each of the things I will start to try to improve. Some of them are replications from older issues I noticed afterwards as I looked back.

ayao44 commented 8 years ago

I could go for resizing the cards, and adding colored fonts to the game log.

Speaking of game log, To add another feature.. searching by text for the game log

dominionator commented 8 years ago

Some of these seem like they would be better suited to a rewrite than being adapted to the current app. Nonetheless, thanks for your input. My comments in italics.


Game UI:


UI Settings:

Game settings:

Achievements: (In general I'm less worried about the Achievements and more on their impact in the code as currently written, though I'd rather have them reasonable)


EldRoos commented 8 years ago

Many of my suggestions is to fix issues that I have on my fast Nexus 6p. Even though it has one of the best screens with 1440p, I still can't have the card descriptions on (and I do use the smallest font size in android settings that I can). Android DPI settings are to low on this device. Though I have heard that the new Android 7 you can change the dpi settings. But there should not be a need for updating android just for this game - and many devices won't get the update even.

But on my older Nexus 7 (2nd edition) with only 1080p I can have (most of the time) the card descriptions on. Though the animations on this one are slow and flickery - strange as it should be able to handle this simple graphics.

Anyway, I said these things as options - so people that don't like them can be without them. I will start coding some of these myself.

Edit: Also I don't think it will help to not use android/dominion font as the app copy everything else. Thank you for your input.

EldRoos commented 8 years ago

Good input that changing the UI in game would make it take up more space - so add a edit mode would fix that :).

schoeggu commented 8 years ago

@ayao44 also some things are not displayed in the game log. Most of the choices from cards aren't logged. For example pawn, you see in the log if the player drew a card, but for the other options there is no log. It could say something like:

You: Playing Pawn
You: Chose +Card
You: Chose +Buy
(Alternative: You: Chose +Card and +Buy)
You: Card added to hand
Played Pawn
EldRoos commented 8 years ago

Updated my list with things I now have fixed, and added more suggestions from other threads here (and linking them).

List is mostly for me, so I can see what I want to add at the moment.

EldRoos commented 8 years ago

Yes finally I can play with descriptions on my nexus 6p. I made a new Card Style - Like descriptive but everything smaller :).

Good to use on new highres phones with high dpi (new Android 7.0 did not change the real dpi settings - Nexus 6p still have 3.5 (everything zoomed in 3.5 times).

Comitted here:

EldRoos commented 7 years ago

Started using Jack of All Dominion. With it you can same card setups, and choose to use more or less cards than a normal setup. Cool :)

dominionator commented 7 years ago

It's a very nice app. The only qualms I have are you can't add an individual card to the Results unless you have the corresponding set selected in your Set Selection and that you can't add individual Landmarks or Events to your Results.

EldRoos commented 7 years ago

Yea you have too lock the cards you want and randomize until you get the event you want.

Edit: Dominion Shuffle was updated with 2nd editions today. Will check it out. Jack of all Dominion still haven't the new promos and editions.

Edit2: Shuffle works ok :).

EldRoos commented 7 years ago

Have now been in contact with the Jack of all Dominion developer. He had missed the 2nd edition news. He will now add those. He have already added the new promo cards (but not released yet) Also forwarded your feature request to manually be able to add an event/landmark to a setup.

dominionator commented 7 years ago

Sounds great. That'll be good for for the app if those features get in there.

EldRoos commented 7 years ago

Jack is now updated.

version 1.1.12 change log

dominionator commented 7 years ago

Looks like a good update. Still doesn't have the feature of manually adding Events/Landmarks, but the new cards work great.