mehtank / androminion

Androminion : Unofficial Dominion for Android
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New Logo #366

Open EldRoos opened 7 years ago

EldRoos commented 7 years ago

My first addition to this game. As I think the current one is too pixelated and low res I have tried to build on that Idea to have half of each.

What do you think? Should I have it all in blue? Change it somehow? Maybe change it completely, like only use Dominion font?

Edit: It was not as easy to do this as it might look. I had to manually cut out the background as I found no transparent Dominion logo. Took a few hours making the edges look OK.

Edit2: Maybe make the transition between the fonts a bit smooth?

ayao44 commented 7 years ago

My first pick would be the 4th one (bottom most), followed by the top one. Nice work!

EldRoos commented 7 years ago

Haha the top one is old one I was replacing. The other mid 2 are only shown for reference - how the originals look.

Here is the smooth transition (also made the O a bit shorter and the Android smaller). I think it looks better.

dominionator commented 7 years ago

Not bad at all. There is a question to be asked about whether the logo should be replaced entirely to avoid using elements from the fonts used in the Android and Dominion trademarks.

EldRoos commented 7 years ago

Well everything else is trademarked anyway.

ayao44 commented 7 years ago

@EldRoos heh.. I honestly haven't looked at the current logo in the longest time. I just start a game without noticing it.

@all I believe some of the symbols like the coin, VP, and debt icons may be trademarked, but upon closer inspection, they don't look exactly like the real deal either, so it looks like we were fine as far as those went.

kencordero commented 7 years ago

@ayao44, I don't know about that. Isn't the game itself trademarked or copyrighted?

ayao44 commented 7 years ago

@kencordero I'm to understand that this isn't being sold for profit, nor are we using any of the artwork, so it should be fine.

dominionator commented 7 years ago

@kencordero @EldRoos Only the name "Dominion" is trademarked in the USA (by RGG). "Android" is also trademarked by Google. Trademarks are for avoiding confusion over origin of goods. The particular physical (e.g. textual/visual) expression of the games' abstract rules and the associated artwork/font usage are also copyrighted under US law. I can't speak for how this applies under other countries' IP laws. @ayao44 As for trademarks, the visual design of the Dominion logo isn't currently trademarked, but it is copyrighted. As long as a reasonable person wouldn't be confused that this is a Dominion/RGG product, then trademark isn't violated (usually via disclaimers when a trademark that isn't yours is used). As for copyright, whether or not it's fine is technically the concern of RGG, profit or not, especially if it could be considered a derivative work. If you ask, you risk a DCMA takedown on the github project or C&D order.

The main goal here as far as the logo is concerned is to not have this be confused with an official Dominion/RGG product.

EldRoos commented 7 years ago

Easy to add that this is inofficial :).

EldRoos commented 7 years ago

Been toying with completely new logos:

Golden and molten - with different free fonts, what do you think?

EldRoos commented 7 years ago

And another gold version:

schoeggu commented 7 years ago

Keep in mind that the logo must also look good on a white background.

EldRoos commented 7 years ago

Or you can have a black oval as background. Did you like any?

Edit: So no one liked any of these? :(

schoeggu commented 7 years ago

What bothers me with later logos is that they are in dissonance with the simplistic and minimalistic user interface of androminion. Imho the logo should reflect that. But I'm no designer so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

dominionator commented 7 years ago

Kind of interesting with the fancy fonts/rendering, but I agree with @schoeggu that they look a bit to visually complex. Perhaps something a bit simpler - maybe involving a redesigned icon? Still, thanks for looking into this.

dominionator commented 7 years ago

@EldRoos The first one you did seems reasonable for the time being. Just make sure it looks good on both the light and dark themes (e.g. black background isn't going to work on dark theme). I still think it's worth looking into more ideas though.

EldRoos commented 7 years ago

alogo Made a new one with gray background looking like it has a thickness. Better now?

EldRoos commented 7 years ago


Made a new logo the follows the style of the icon. What do you think?

EldRoos commented 7 years ago

Feedback please :)

dominionator commented 7 years ago

The red/green designs feel too busy. Too many colors that are too bright. It makes it hard to focus on or look at. The one with the stripes is especially hard to read. The prior one was definitely better in that respect. The split background makes the oval look like a pill. Something that might also be helpful is a crisper version of the icon logo. There might not even be a need for the stripes in the logo, and the colors could be slightly less bright.

EldRoos commented 7 years ago




ayao44 commented 7 years ago

Just in time for the X-mas season! I'm fine with it, although bear in mind, I have very little expertise in what constitutes a good "industry graphic design".

EldRoos commented 7 years ago

Just following the style of the original icon. icon3b Simplified the D.

EldRoos commented 7 years ago

From feedback in another thread #386, I'll try another version, more washed out, stronger bezel: icon3c


dominionator commented 7 years ago

The colors don't need to be washed out for the icon itself, just when used with readable text (as used for the Androminion logo). Often, it helps to have an icon that stands out somewhat when viewed in an App launcher or home screen. Also, when I meant stronger bezel, I meant a sharper bezel, not a bezel with more contrast or thicker border. Currently the bezel looks too rounded. For the icon, maybe if you took the prior simplified one (two posts up) and hardened the bezel? Also, I think harder lines all around would help give it a crisper look (instead of the feathered black edges).

As for the logo, I agree that the logo and icon should complement each other, but that doesn't mean they have to have the exact same color palette or styling. For example, that stylized "D" in the icon doesn't appear anywhere in the logo. I'm really not opposed to an entirely new logo, either, as long as it isn't too busy.

An idea I had for the logo was to have the shield icon (perhaps simplified in shape to closer resemble the VP icons in-game) with a stylized A on it (one of the fonts you used earlier might be nice, as long as it's not too fancy - something vaguely reminiscent of calligraphy or illuminated manuscripts). Slightly overlapping the A on the right of the shield and continuing on to the left would be the remaining letters "ndrominion" on rectangles that resemble cards. I haven't fully thought through colors and exact layout (overlapping cards or not, and how the cards are stylized), but maybe it's worth a mock up or two. Obviously it would change the icon to having an "A" instead of a "D", but I don't think that's a bad thing.

Sorry for all the back and forth, I appreciate the effort you're putting in here. I think we'll eventually come up with something.

EldRoos commented 7 years ago

shield3 shield5

Just for comparison, original victory point icons.