mehtank / androminion

Androminion : Unofficial Dominion for Android
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App stops and i thought i figured out how to reproduce it #439

Closed JohnKMeyer closed 6 years ago

JohnKMeyer commented 7 years ago

Android 7.0 on samsung galaxy s7 playing androminion 7.05 with these cards and random opponents screenshot_20170512-153756

if i buy chariot race, taxman, and fishing village the game stops on the third purchase. rather it did three times in a row without battery saving on and in low signal. now it is stopping after a seemingly arbitrary time with this set of cards and not after buying the third of these. It may have to do with cellular signal strength.

I dont know what specifically is causing the crash. i've nearly sent in the report before, but then it always seems to stop crashing. before i can pinpoint what causes it. It no longer seems to happen with just the three i mentioned earlier. in the past i had taken screen shots of the set of cards when it happened, and eventually the crash happened with none of the same cards so i dont think it lies in the cards. every now and again i think since updating to andrroid 7 and even with androminion 6.x i would get random crashes i think. since i cannot reliably reproduce them i havn't reported them yet.

another screengrab of after the crash screenshot_20170512-160905

JohnKMeyer commented 7 years ago

and now it crashed with higher cell signal. it seems to happen at the end of my turn. now i am playing agains two sarahs as once playing jester it did not attack sarah and never finished playing the jester, though it is attacking her in these games. screenshot of the time it didnt screenshot_20170512-155413 01

JohnKMeyer commented 7 years ago

It's pretty consistently crashing with that game against player 2 chuck and player three Sarah, but I don't see anything specific that leads to the crash, other than it being at the end of my turn.

JohnKMeyer commented 7 years ago

Here is another game that crashes most of the time: screenshot_20170521-125841

JohnKMeyer commented 7 years ago

This should be the game log: New game started on 2017/05/21 at 13:17:24

Game loaded!
Actions, buys and coins
available are shown in 
the log as a/b/(c)

Cards in play
PoorHouse                  (1)  +4 Coin (...)
CandlestickMaker           (2)  +1 Action, +1 Buy (...)
Duplicate                  (4)  (...)
TreasureMap                (4)  (...)
Count                      (5)  (...)
CountingHouse              (5)  (...)
Highway                    (5)  +1 Action, +1 Card (...)
Rabble                     (5)  +3 Cards (...)
WildHunt                   (5)  (...)
Prince                     (8)  (...)

Landmarks in play


Platinum/Colony not included...
Shelters not included...

You: Deck replenished
Patrick: Deck replenished
Mary: Deck replenished

You: Turn begin You: Playing Copper You: Playing Copper You: Playing Copper You: Playing Copper You: 1/1/(4) You: Silver gained You: New hand You: Turn end

Patrick: Turn begin
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: 1/1/(4)
Patrick: Silver gained
Patrick: New hand
Patrick: Turn end

Mary: Turn begin Mary: Playing Copper Mary: Playing Copper Mary: Playing Copper Mary: Playing Copper Mary: 1/1/(4) Mary: Treasure Map gained Mary: New hand Mary: Turn end

You: Turn begin
You: Playing Copper 
You: Playing Copper 
You: Playing Copper 
You: 1/1/(3)
You: Silver gained
You: Deck replenished
You: New hand
You: Turn end

Patrick: Turn begin Patrick: Playing Copper Patrick: Playing Copper Patrick: Playing Copper Patrick: 1/1/(3) Patrick: Silver gained Patrick: Deck replenished Patrick: New hand Patrick: Turn end

Mary: Turn begin
Mary: Playing Copper 
Mary: Playing Copper 
Mary: Playing Copper 
Mary: 1/1/(3)
Mary: Candlestick Maker gained
Mary: Deck replenished
Mary: New hand
Mary: Turn end

You: Turn begin You: Playing Silver You: Playing Copper You: Playing Silver You: Playing Copper You: 1/1/(6) You: Highway gained You: New hand You: Turn end

Patrick: Turn begin
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: 1/1/(3)
Patrick: Estate gained
Patrick: New hand
Patrick: Turn end

Mary: Turn begin Mary: 1/1/(0) Mary: Playing Candlestick Maker Mary: Coin token obtained Mary: Played Candlestick Maker Mary: Playing Copper Mary: Playing Copper Mary: Playing Copper Mary: 1/2/(3) Mary: Poor House gained Mary: New hand Mary: Turn end

You: Turn begin
You: Playing Copper 
You: Playing Copper 
You: Playing Copper 
You: 1/1/(3)
You: Candlestick Maker gained
You: Deck replenished
You: New hand
You: Turn end

Patrick: Turn begin Patrick: Playing Copper Patrick: Playing Copper Patrick: Playing Silver Patrick: Playing Copper Patrick: 1/1/(5) Patrick: Rabble gained Patrick: Deck replenished Patrick: New hand Patrick: Turn end

Mary: Turn begin
Mary: Playing Copper 
Mary: Playing Copper 
Mary: Playing Copper 
Mary: 1/1/(3)
Mary: Silver gained
Mary: Deck replenished
Mary: New hand
Mary: Turn end

You: Turn begin You: Playing Copper You: Playing Copper You: Playing Copper You: 1/1/(3) You: Silver gained You: New hand You: Turn end

Patrick: Turn begin
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: Playing Silver 
Patrick: 1/1/(4)
Patrick: Silver gained
Patrick: New hand
Patrick: Turn end

Mary: Turn begin Mary: 1/1/(0) Mary: Playing Candlestick Maker Mary: Coin token obtained Mary: Played Candlestick Maker Mary: Playing Silver Mary: Playing Copper Mary: 1/2/(3) Mary: Silver gained Mary: New hand Mary: Turn end

You: Turn begin
You: 1/1/(0)
You: Playing Highway 
You: Card added to hand
You: Played Highway 
You: 1/1/(0)
You: Playing Candlestick Maker 
You: Coin token obtained
You: Played Candlestick Maker 
You: Playing Copper 
You: Playing Copper 
You: Playing Silver 
You: Playing Copper 
You: 1/2/(5)
You: Highway gained
You: Victory Tokens removed: 2 from Colonnade 
You: Victory Tokens taken: 2
You: 1/1/(1)
You: Candlestick Maker gained
You: Victory Tokens removed: 2 from Colonnade 
You: Victory Tokens taken: 2
You: Deck replenished
You: New hand
You: Turn end

Patrick: Turn begin Patrick: Playing Copper Patrick: Playing Silver Patrick: Playing Copper Patrick: Playing Copper Patrick: 1/1/(5) Patrick: Duchy gained Patrick: Deck replenished Patrick: New hand Patrick: Turn end

Mary: Turn begin
Mary: 1/1/(0)
Mary: Playing Poor House 
Mary: Copper revealed
Mary: Treasure Map revealed
Mary: Copper revealed
Mary: Copper revealed
Mary: Played Poor House 
Mary: Playing Copper 
Mary: Playing Copper 
Mary: Playing Copper 
Mary: 0/1/(4)
Mary: Duplicate gained
Mary: Deck replenished
Mary: New hand
Mary: Turn end

You: Turn begin You: 1/1/(0) You: Playing Highway You: Card added to hand You: Played Highway You: Playing Copper You: Playing Copper You: Playing Copper You: Playing Silver You: 1/1/(5) You: Highway gained You: Victory Tokens removed: 2 from Colonnade You: Victory Tokens taken: 2 You: New hand You: Turn end

Patrick: Turn begin
Patrick: 1/1/(0)
Patrick: Playing Rabble 
Patrick: Card added to hand
Patrick: Card added to hand
Patrick: Card added to hand
Patrick: Attacking (Mary) 
Mary: Copper revealed
Mary: Poor House revealed
Mary: Copper revealed
Mary: Discarded Copper 
Mary: Discarded Poor House 
Mary: Discarded Copper 
Patrick: Attacking (You) 
You: Silver revealed
You: Estate revealed
You: Estate revealed
You: Discarded Silver 
Patrick: Played Rabble 
Patrick: Playing Silver 
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: Playing Silver 
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: 0/1/(7)
Patrick: Duchy gained
Patrick: New hand
Patrick: Turn end

Mary: Turn begin Mary: Playing Copper Mary: Playing Copper Mary: Playing Copper Mary: Playing Copper Mary: 1/1/(4) Mary: Silver gained Mary: New hand Mary: Turn end

You: Turn begin
You: 1/1/(0)
You: Playing Highway 
You: Card added to hand
You: Played Highway 
You: 1/1/(0)
You: Playing Candlestick Maker 
You: Coin token obtained
You: Played Candlestick Maker 
You: Playing Copper 
You: Playing Copper 
You: Playing Copper 
You: Coin token spent: 2
You: 1/2/(5)
You: Highway gained
You: Victory Tokens removed: 2 from Colonnade 
You: Victory Tokens taken: 2
You: 1/1/(1)
You: Candlestick Maker gained
You: Victory Tokens removed: 2 from Colonnade 
You: Victory Tokens taken: 2
You: Deck replenished
You: New hand
You: Turn end

Patrick: Turn begin Patrick: Playing Copper Patrick: Playing Copper Patrick: Playing Copper Patrick: 1/1/(3) Patrick: Silver gained Patrick: Deck replenished Patrick: New hand Patrick: Turn end

Mary: Turn begin
Mary: 1/1/(0)
Mary: Playing Candlestick Maker 
Mary: Coin token obtained
Mary: Played Candlestick Maker 
Mary: Playing Silver 
Mary: Playing Copper 
Mary: 1/2/(3)
Mary: Silver gained
Mary: Deck replenished
Mary: New hand
Mary: Turn end

You: Turn begin You: 1/1/(0) You: Playing Candlestick Maker You: Coin token obtained You: Played Candlestick Maker You: Playing Copper You: Playing Silver You: 1/2/(3) You: Candlestick Maker gained You: Victory Tokens removed: 2 from Colonnade You: Victory Tokens taken: 2 You: New hand You: Turn end

Patrick: Turn begin
Patrick: Playing Silver 
Patrick: Playing Silver 
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: 1/1/(5)
Patrick: Rabble gained
JohnKMeyer commented 7 years ago

This set seems to only crash when Patrick follows me. But doesn't only crash on partick's turn. (one crash is after my drawing of a hand.

Another log: New game started on 2017/05/21 at 14:37:11

Game loaded!
Actions, buys and coins
available are shown in 
the log as a/b/(c)

Cards in play
PoorHouse                  (1)  +4 Coin (...)
CandlestickMaker           (2)  +1 Action, +1 Buy (...)
Duplicate                  (4)  (...)
TreasureMap                (4)  (...)
Count                      (5)  (...)
CountingHouse              (5)  (...)
Highway                    (5)  +1 Action, +1 Card (...)
Rabble                     (5)  +3 Cards (...)
WildHunt                   (5)  (...)
Prince                     (8)  (...)

Landmarks in play


Platinum/Colony not included...
Shelters not included...

You: Deck replenished
Patrick: Deck replenished
Mary: Deck replenished
You: Turn begin
You: Playing Copper 
You: Playing Copper 
You: Playing Copper 
You: Playing Copper 
You: Playing Copper 
You: 1/1/(5)
You: Highway gained
You: New hand
You: Turn end
Patrick: Turn begin
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: 1/1/(4)
Patrick: Silver gained
Patrick: New hand
Patrick: Turn end
Mary: Turn begin
Mary: Playing Copper 
Mary: Playing Copper 
Mary: Playing Copper 
Mary: 1/1/(3)
Mary: Candlestick Maker gained
Mary: New hand
Mary: Turn end
You: Turn begin
You: Playing Copper 
You: Playing Copper 
You: 1/1/(2)
You: Candlestick Maker gained
You: Deck replenished
You: New hand
You: Turn end
Patrick: Turn begin
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: 1/1/(3)
Patrick: Silver gained
Patrick: Deck replenished
Patrick: New hand
Patrick: Turn end
Mary: Turn begin
Mary: Playing Copper 
Mary: Playing Copper 
Mary: Playing Copper 
Mary: Playing Copper 
Mary: 1/1/(4)
Mary: Duplicate gained
Mary: Deck replenished
Mary: New hand
Mary: Turn end
You: Turn begin
You: 1/1/(0)
You: Playing Candlestick Maker 
You: Coin token obtained
You: Played Candlestick Maker 
You: Playing Copper 
You: Playing Copper 
You: 1/2/(2)
You: Candlestick Maker gained
You: Victory Tokens removed: 2 from Colonnade 
You: Victory Tokens taken: 2
You: New hand
You: Turn end
Patrick: Turn begin
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: Playing Copper 
Patrick: Playing Copper 
lfrancke commented 7 years ago

I tried a couple of games against Patrick but wasn't able to get it to crash. Is there any chance you can get logcat output?

ctlaltl33t commented 7 years ago

This happens to me all the time and seems completely random. Also running Android 7.1.2 and Andro 7.05 alpha 6. Are the logs somewhere for crashes?

lfrancke commented 7 years ago

I'm afraid you'll need to use the logcat tool that comes with adb.

That means you need to install the Android Developer Tools.

There used to be Android apps (aLogcat, Catlog etc.) for seeing the crash logs on Android itself but I think they now require root. Maybe worth a try though.

androminionfan commented 7 years ago

Perhaps duplicate to #449 (Game crashes when AI calls duplicate)

dominionator commented 6 years ago

Try this out in the latest release: Let us know if it persists. We'll be releasing a feature soon that logs the error for the latest crash to a file on your phone.

ctlaltl33t commented 6 years ago

So far so good, thanks! Been testing off and on for about a week and have not seen the disconnect issue yet

dominionator commented 6 years ago

Closing this for now. Please comment or open an new issue if you see the problem again.