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Bisque transformation not working #11

Open KaBach opened 4 years ago

KaBach commented 4 years ago


I am struggling to get sensible deconvolution of bulk RNA sequencing data. It works perferctly fine on other pseudobulked scRNAseq but seems to perform poorly on bulk. So I was hoping to use the bisque transformation, however, it seems that the internal GenerateSCReference function expects an input "cell.types" that is not defined in the parent function SCDC_prop(). Further, it doesn't seem that the bisque transformation is supported in the SCDC_prop_subcl_marker function. Is there a reason for this or could I transform the data before hand and then pass it on to the respective functions?

Best Karsten

meichendong commented 4 years ago

Hi Karsten, Thanks for using SCDC and sorry for the late response! I see the SCDC_prop() issue and I've made a correction for it. The bisque transformation was actually added when I was performing some benchmark for my paper. So it was not intended to be included at first, and I did not try to include it in the SCDC_prop_subcl_marker function since the sub-clustering step is already complicated. I added a deconv_simple() function to allow users to input the pre-processed bulk matrix and pre-calculated basis matrix for the deconvolution. I don't know if this will help? Did you try the bisque package to see the result? Would transformation improve the performance? Please feel free to reach out to if you want to discuss more!

lahuuki commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am also getting an error trying to use the Transform_bisque parameter. My data runs fine when Transform_bisque = FALSE, but when I try to turn to TRUE I get the error:

Error in .subset2(x, i, exact = exact) : no such index at level 1
> traceback()
12: (function(x, i, exact) if (is.matrix(i)) as.matrix(x)[[i]] else .subset2(x, 
        i, exact = exact))(x, ..., exact = exact)
11: `[[.data.frame`(pData(x), i)
10: pData(x)[[i]]
9: phenoData(x)[[i]]
8: phenoData(x)[[i]]
7: sc.eset[[ct.sub]]
6: sc.eset[[ct.sub]]
5: base::factor(sc.eset[[ct.sub]])
4: GenerateSCReference(sc.eset, ct.sub)
3: SCDC_prop(bulk.eset = .x$bulk, sc.eset = .x$sce, ct.varname = "cellType.split", 
       sample = "donor", ct.sub = .y, Transform_bisque = TRUE)
2: .f(.x[[1L]], .y[[i]], ...)
1: map2(exp_set2[1], ct, ~SCDC_prop(bulk.eset = .x$bulk, sc.eset = .x$sce, 
       ct.varname = "cellType.split", sample = "donor", ct.sub = .y, 
       Transform_bisque = TRUE))

To me it looks like the error is coming from this line is ct.sub perhaps supposed to be ct.varname? Thanks, -Lousie

meichendong commented 3 years ago

Hi @lahuuki , good catch! I think you are correct. The function is updated now. Please let me know if you have further questions!

Best, Meichen