meichendong / SCDC

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Error with SCDC_ENSEMBLE #28

Open ljarassier opened 2 years ago

ljarassier commented 2 years ago


I have issue with the SCDC_ENSEMBLE command.

Result <- SCDC_ENSEMBLE(bulk.eset = bulkDataSet, sc.eset.list = scDataSetList, 
    ct.varname = "cellType", sample = "SubjectName", ct.sub = CTlist)

While running this command with one bulk and 3 scRNAseq, I got this error message :

Error in if (sum(abs( - prop.wt)) < epsilon) { :
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

I kept only genes in all the datasets, CTlist contains the union of all the celltypes detected in the different scRNAseq datasets. Moreover, I performed SCDC_qc() command on all the scRNAseq datasets.

Is there something I do wrong ? Do you need more information ?

Thanks in advance for your help.

meichendong commented 2 years ago

Hi @ljarassier , sorry for the late response. According to your description, I think the error occurred because some scRNA-seq datasets do not have certain celltypes. The ENSEMBLE procedure is assuming that the major cell types of interest exist in all reference datasets. Please email if you have more questions. Thank you!