meichthys / uptime_kuma

Uptime Kuma HACS integration
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Assigning entries to areas doesn't always get saved #63

Open denix0 opened 11 months ago

denix0 commented 11 months ago

I have 30 service entries pulled from Uptime Kuma (running as HA plugin). I diligently go through all of them and assign each and every one of them into corresponding Areas. So far so good - they all show up in their corresponding Areas/rooms.

Sometime later after another update or reboot, I see most of the entries (23 to be exact) have lost their assigned Areas. For some reason only 7 of them retain that value and stay in their proper rooms.

I have done it multiple times already and assigned them to Areas again and again, but after the next reboot most of them show up as unassigned again.

Momentum6890 commented 11 months ago

I have the same problem, but i don't know why :/

meichthys commented 6 months ago

Is this still an issue? I can't seem to reproduce it.

denix0 commented 6 months ago

Yes, still the same for me.

meichthys commented 6 months ago

Thanks i will play with it more to see if i can reproduce it.

meichthys commented 6 months ago

Thanks i will play with it more to see if i can reproduce it.

denix0 commented 4 months ago

So, this issue may be specific to Uptime Kuma running locally as an Add-in on Home Assistant OS ( And I had the same issue on 2 separate HA instances, which both had that Add-on installed. HA OS on bare metal x86, like NUC.

I just moved my main Uptime Kuma install to a Docker container running on a separate server. Had to re-install the Integration, as it got confused by the duplicate entries. But, after configuring everything, I noticed that the Area assignments seem to be persisting now even after reboots!

I'll test it some more, but not sure why it makes such a difference. Could it be that the Integration starts before the Add-on is fully up? Though the Area assignments aren't coming from Uptime Kuma...

Hopefully this can help you reproduce the issue.

denix0 commented 3 months ago

Just upgraded to HA Core 2024.04.0 and lost 85% of assigned Areas for Uptime Kuma sensors/services, even on a separate Docker container independent of HA... :(