meidachen / STPLS3D

🔥 Synthetic and real-world 2d/3d dataset for semantic and instance segmentation (BMVC 2022 Oral)
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I want to make my own dataset #23

Closed Lizhinwafu closed 1 year ago

Lizhinwafu commented 1 year ago

I have apple tree point cloud dataset with two semantic classes trunk, branch. One line of my annotation data is as follows. 0.013332, 0.111240, 1.698000,112.000000,109.000000,102.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000

There are 8 columns in total:x,y,z,R,G,B, semantic label(trunk is 0/branch is 1), instance label(trunk is 0, branch1 is 1,branch2 is 2,...). I'm not sure if this is right and need your help. I use CloudCompare for annotation.

Many thanks.

meidachen commented 1 year ago

That is how I usually annotate my data. Just make sure you understand which semantic label will be ignored when training and testing the model. For instance, in STPLS3D ground is labeled as 0, and will not be evaluated.

Lizhinwafu commented 1 year ago

I annotated the tree into two semantic categories, trunk and branch, but I'm not sure what the instance category is. I think it's also tree trunks, branches?

meidachen commented 1 year ago

I used -100 as the instance label for all the ground points that have the semantic label of 0 in STPLS3D. I believe you could use -100 as the instance label for the trunk points in your data.

Greatest-Marx commented 10 months ago

I have apple tree point cloud dataset with two semantic classes trunk, branch. One line of my annotation data is as follows. 0.013332, 0.111240, 1.698000,112.000000,109.000000,102.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000

There are 8 columns in total:x,y,z,R,G,B, semantic label(trunk is 0/branch is 1), instance label(trunk is 0, branch1 is 1,branch2 is 2,...). I'm not sure if this is right and need your help. I use CloudCompare for annotation.

Many thanks. Hello, have you already made your own label and trained it successfully?

LinLin1031 commented 9 months ago

I used -100 as the instance label for all the ground points that have the semantic label of 0 in STPLS3D. I believe you could use -100 as the instance label for the trunk points in your data.

But what if I want to evaluate both classes? @meidachen @Greatest-Marx @Lizhinwafu

Greatest-Marx commented 9 months ago

I used -100 as the instance label for all the ground points that have the semantic label of 0 in STPLS3D. I believe you could use -100 as the instance label for the trunk points in your data.

But what if I want to evaluate both classes? @meidachen @Greatest-Marx @Lizhinwafu
