Add an environment variable to enable more debug information. This is useful when identifying the
cause of an issue, e.g., #83 by @rEnr3n.
# For example, the file will catch all stdout and stderr, as well as everything from 'xtrace'
GH_NOTIFY_DEBUG_MODE='true' gh notify -an 20
[DEBUG] /Users/paria/.local/share/gh/extensions/gh-notify/gh_notify_debug.log
Split the 'print_notifs' into smaller functions for readability.
Fix retrieval for notifications with more than 50 items requested; previously, it would just
ignore them and deliver only 50.
Prepend command to all command calls
# Execute the `cat` command, even if an `cat` alias exists:
command cat
Check if bat or batcat is installed for diffs on PR's
Split the 'print_notifs' into smaller functions for readability.
Fix retrieval for notifications with more than 50 items requested; previously, it would just ignore them and deliver only 50.
to all command callsCheck if
is installed for diffs on PR'sClarify user facing texts