meilisearch / devrel

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Blogging strategy #281

Open CaroFG opened 2 years ago

CaroFG commented 2 years ago


To do:

dichotommy commented 2 years ago

Following this 👋🏻

ferdi05 commented 2 years ago

We'll have to create a styling guide and the @meilisearch/docs-team can help with this

guimachiavelli commented 2 years ago

Also following now, thanks for tagging the team, @ferdi05 👍

ferdi05 commented 2 years ago

linked issues:

ferdi05 commented 2 years ago


ferdi05 commented 2 years ago

See missing items here Other items missing:

ferdi05 commented 2 years ago
ferdi05 commented 2 years ago

worth checking:

ferdi05 commented 2 years ago

all blog posts need an excerpt

ferdi05 commented 1 year ago

The developer advocates team and I should meet during Q1 to discuss the content strategy