meilisearch / meilisearch-rails

Meilisearch integration for Ruby on Rails
MIT License
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Using attribute option with custom primary key will break fetching #339

Open ellnix opened 6 months ago

ellnix commented 6 months ago

Description If you provide a custom primary key method and also specify attributes other than the real primary key of the model in the meilisearch block, the documents in the meilisearch instance will not contain the model's real primary key and therefore cannot map to database records.

Expected behavior MeiliSearch still includes ID in its documents and fetching does not fail.

Reproduction script

```ruby require 'bundler/inline' gemfile do gem "rails", "~> 7.1.3" gem "sqlite3", "~> 1.4" gem "meilisearch-rails", "~> 0.11.1" end MeiliSearch::Rails.configuration = { meilisearch_url: ENV.fetch('MEILISEARCH_HOST', 'http://localhost:7700'), meilisearch_api_key: ENV.fetch('MEILISEARCH_API_KEY', 'masterKey') } MeiliSearch::Rails.client.delete_index 'dogs' MeiliSearch::Rails.client.delete_index 'cats' sleep 0.1 FileUtils.rm('data.sqlite3') if File.exist?('data.sqlite3') require 'active_record' ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( 'adapter' => defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) ? 'jdbcsqlite3' : 'sqlite3', 'database' => 'data.sqlite3', 'pool' => 5, 'timeout' => 5000 ) ActiveRecord::Schema.define do create_table(:dogs) { |t| t.string :name } create_table(:cats) { |t| t.string :name } end # With custom primary key class Dog < ActiveRecord::Base include MeiliSearch::Rails meilisearch index_uid: 'dogs', primary_key: :ms_id do attribute :name end def ms_id "dog_#{id}" end end # Without custom primary key class Cat < ActiveRecord::Base include MeiliSearch::Rails meilisearch index_uid: 'cats' do attribute :name end end Dog.create name: 'spikey' Cat.create name: 'fluffy' sleep 0.5 p 'spikey' # Will return nothing # [] p'spikey')['hits'] # Documents without IDs # [{"ms_id"=>"dog_2", "name"=>"spikey"}] p 'fluffy' # Returns a cat correctly # [#] p'fluffy')['hits'] # Documents still have IDs # [{"id"=>"1", "name"=>"fluffy"}] ```