meinaart / cypress-plugin-snapshots

Plugin for snapshot tests in
MIT License
497 stars 118 forks source link

Add retry-ability #169

Open gbasto opened 3 years ago

gbasto commented 3 years ago

Adds retry-ability to snapshot tests, by adding two new configuration options:

retryCount - the number of retries that should be done if the test is failing
retryDelay - the amount of time between each retry

This is useful, for example, for cases when some tests are failing because the image snapshot is done before some images are loaded due to slow network.

YadrovSergey commented 3 years ago

@meinaart please merge this pull requests.

edimitchel commented 3 years ago

@meinaart could you look into this PR ? We need it !

edimitchel commented 3 years ago

@gbasto please look at my PR I made on your fork !

scottrippey commented 2 years ago

@meinaart This PR would be extremely useful ... I hope this project hasn't been abandoned! Please merge this PR. Thank you!

gbasto commented 1 year ago

I've been using a patched version of cypress-plugin-snapshots with this change for the last 2 years and it has been working perfectly to me, however this PR still has no feedback from the repo maintainers.

Is this project completely abandoned? @meinaart let me know if you need any help, otherwise I'll just close it as it's tickling my OCD anytime I look into my open PRs and I always find this one stalled there 😅