Open donglimf opened 4 years ago
interrupt error means segmentation fault or what? Maybe you can insert "gpuErrchk(cudaPeekAtLastError());" before line 274 to see more error messages.
By the way, Does the depth image seem normal if comments back the test.cpp line 64-67?
1、I insert "cudaDeviceSynchronize();" and "cudaGetLastError();" befor line 270,it return 77,maybe depth2mask is error,Let me have check. 2、Depth image look normal.
Thanks for you review.
depth2mask seems too simple to be wrong. Will this happen if you insert codes before depth2mask?
I have solve the problem,in function " render_cuda_keep_in_gpu ",if I copy depth_cuda from device to host in Function of the internal(,it works,but if I copy depth_cuda from device to host in test.cpp,it doesn't work.So I copy the thrust data into a device pointer,and return it.Test.cpp now works well,but I don't know why does this happen?
Any function related to gpu should be in .cu file. If you want depth on cpu side, just use render_cuda.
It is no need to do that,cudaMemcpy can work in .cpp file. But kernel function should be in .cu file.
When I run function "depth2cloud_cuda",it will interrupt in file" " line 274.