meisterluk / datenlandkarte

Enter statistical, geo-based data and visualize them.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Error message and auto correction for invalid values #14

Open meisterluk opened 13 years ago

meisterluk commented 13 years ago

An usability issue: If the user enters a wrong parameter (does not match constraint), the value will be reset to default and at the same time an error message shows up. This might confuse the user when he tries to check his wrong parameter and can only see the default value. A nice, user-friendly solution would be appreciated.

Reproducible example: "Erweiterte Optionen", "Anzahl der Nachkommastellen (0-3)", enter 4, "Erstellen" Output: "Error: Anzahl der Nachkommastellen muss zwischen 0 und 3 (inklusive) liegen" and "Anzahl der Nachkommastellen (0-3)" is set to "2"