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"MekaSuit discussion" #30

Open Mementh opened 8 years ago

Mementh commented 8 years ago

per armor was mentioned

armor repaired only by energy!

please add some options better then dark steel and other flux jetpacks. a few requests here

  1. night vision uses power..
  2. running fast
  3. a glider option? ( would love this as a option for the normal jetpack )
  4. jetpacks can run based on power or hydrogen.. if h2 then the tanks hold ALOT more but use ALOT more then normal ( have to use more to lift the weight of armor? :) ( this could be a GUI option to upgrade/change out and have options to swap out to make the armor better protection or better against blast/projectiles etc)
  5. helmet can create O2 for underwater use. uses power :)
  6. weapons have options to use gas or power... :)
Landrash commented 8 years ago

Suggestion to rename thread to "MekaSuit discussion"

EzerArch commented 8 years ago

Will it be a hi-poly armor? Hope there'll be Smart Moving support.

Mementh commented 8 years ago

whats smart moving?

XFactHD commented 8 years ago

Mod interaction suggestion: Support for GC, adding some kind of gas tank with O2 should provide oxygen to the player.

EzerArch commented 8 years ago


whats smart moving?

SM adds new movements and animations to the player model: it is not easy to get it working in a mod, although it's worth trying.

Mementh commented 8 years ago

@XFactHD thats a good idea for early game.. O2 options? then have something that makes the o2 and h2 from water in the air normally?

@EzerArch smart moving looks good for non first person .. or watching others.. i would put that as LOW priority honestly since your saying its hard to work

ghost commented 8 years ago

As i went across this i couldn't leave this blank, but as i came here i was a bit disapointed by the simplicity of the thing. I was thinking that the armor should be more interactive or modular , else it would just be any other armor like any mod would put out there. Now what do i mean by modularity, Switching modules often make the armor upgradeable but with a cap. with this you can have multiple choice. You can let the player choose what he really needs on the armor. Does he need more inventory space for mining or hunting or even looting ? he could have an exo upgrade where there could be more space to transport things, does he need more attack power ? You could create a module for that. Does he need to have tanks on his back to transport a ton of liquids and gas? You can make something for that too. - this can extend and go very far and have a lot of new to it. You can constantly change it to make it what you like the most out of it

ghost commented 8 years ago

i was wondering tough if you could also make the suits have compatibility with the pneumaticraft helmet suit

IcieFlake commented 8 years ago

A option for using some High pressured gas instead of regular burning fuel in jetpack, (Faster flight speed) also it shouldn't burn but just leave a mist or fog. Helmet could have O2 underwater generator upgrade or Solar panel upgrade, Antenna that maybe could work as some sort of communication maybe even with robit and tell him to teleport to your location. Risk with it? Getting hit by lightning.

Chest piece could have a electrical discharge when player is hit with 10 second cool down and how much power it should use should be able to be set. so if someone wants to drain their entire battery in 1 discharge, or a few. let them do so. Could also be a upgrade where chose can be made to have that or a Jetpack ? This way the player can costumize thier Mekasuit with these minor augmentations But some main features locked in to it sounds just as neat ^^

VT-14 commented 8 years ago

+1 for making it modular. I also think it could be dynamic and could be changed by swapping out parts in the field. For instance, say you were using a jetpack in the traditional sense; flying around. That would require a rocket booster pack (in the Jetpack or "back" slot) and hydrogen fuel (in a gas tank slot). Say you wanted to go swimming in an ocean you found, and you happened to bring your Hydro-Jet converter and an Oxygen tank. Switch those modules out and you have quick underwater propulsion and a lot of air to breath.

That would let the MekaSuit have many powerful abilities without letting it have all the powerful abilities all the time and become too OP.

My (not so) short list of ideas:

Armor slot (all pieces)

Helmet: (several other good ideas already mentioned) -Airtight - Requires a filled oxygen tank to breath. Can suffocate on land, but also allows use underwater. Possibly Galicticraft compatible.




ghost commented 8 years ago

Well you still want default armor on it. Else Why not just equips something that gives you speed and protection already?

VT-14 commented 8 years ago

Because armor would be easy. Ideally, the would be a fairly-cheap framework item to apply this onto, and then use basic armor for the protection.

This "function first, protection later" is similar to most mods with jetpacks, including mekanism. The Basic jetpack doesn't provide any protection, and you can make an armored version for the cost of a chestplate or more.

I'm second guessing that slowness debuff idea. The only mod that I've seen do something similar is Modular Powersuits, and I'm starting to see that my idea is getting a little to close to theirs on the whole.

ghost commented 8 years ago

I still feel the armor should be make with at least some obsidian ingots, so it could at least have some protection by default. But the armor could be specialised into it. into defense and attack. range or close range etc...

ghost commented 8 years ago

@VT-14 Else the "mekasuit" just turns into Modular Power suit with less power and utils. Again there can be many modules with limited modules.

EzerArch commented 8 years ago

I'm second guessing that slowness debuff idea. The only mod that I've seen do something similar is Modular Powersuits, and I'm starting to see that my idea is getting a little to close to theirs on the whole.

I would prefer a clear distinction between MPS and MekaSuit. I think MekaSuit can be as good or powerful as MPS. Just needs to have a different approach to avoid mod overlap. If MekaSuit is going to be just a lighter/nerfed version of MPS armor, what if I have both installed, why would I then use MekaSuit?

Inspired on this Lego sculpture:


The T34-L Power suit is designed to increase the strength of the pilot. The suit is mostly used for lifting heavy stuff and is not designed to be used in combat, since the pilot is not armored for frontal attacks. The arms of the suit are connected with sensors to the pilot's arms.

I'm considering this:

MekaSuit would be designed to aid the player with mining, industrial activities and protection (passive combat). The armor would be a fusion of the current tools and wearables plus a few new features, as follows:

New features:

Mementh commented 8 years ago

IcieFlake I like the idea of a NOS boost system that a high pressure deal would give but not for regualr flight

Love the helmet having upgrade options for O2.. and a option when not using to recharge/pull in O2 from enviroment for power?

VT-14 I like the idea of modules and swapping :)

but i don't feel it should have a booster/flight diffrence.. just one for flight and one for moving underwater.. helmet having a O2 system thats compatable with galacticraft ?

I do like the idea of the leggings and armor being heavier and debuffing but i feel thats going to cause issues if someone mixed and matched.

the back slots and amor options i feel are good.. traditional armor/energy shield is swapping and good.

I like the idea of a set of wings built in :)

EzerArchi don't like the idea of a huge suit/vehicle option.. just feels wrong/too big

I feel the flamethrower is not good. how would you use it ?

I see it as a defence option and utility.. so scuba and such

Also consider I know some part of the community don't use those tools because they have better options..

ghost commented 8 years ago

I like Ezer ideas but also i truly think the suit could also have the abilitiy to be purely for combat to. This is the hole point of modularity choosing what you need.

Utildayael commented 8 years ago

I love these ideas. Mekanism is one of the better tiered tech mods out there and offers a wide range of options with increasingly more difficult builds. I'd honestly like to see a framework [think Fallout power armor frame] with modules as others suggested. The thing is, I'd also like to see a tech mod actually have armor that can roll up against high end stuff like Blood Magic bound armor. The problem with BM armor is that it really is only a single tier. By the time you can make it, you can generally make any of the sigils to socket into it so you do it once and done unless you are one of those folks swapping sigils all the time. ;)

With proper tiering.. the "frame" that the user wears could be very low level and the modules for it [armor, abilities, etc] would scale up in requirements as they scale up in power. I do agree with Alexis that while the idea of industrial/mining spec suit could be unique[ish], it does limit the options and let's be honest... wide-appeal isn't a bad thing. If it's tiered like most stuff in Mekanism is, it'll have to be decent for anyone to spend the time to make it.

Ability-wise you got the usual:

.... I'm gonna stop because I'm echoing Ezer's post now. :)

vagaprime commented 8 years ago

I like the idea that someone mentioned about having a suit that has limited upgrade slots per piece. It lets you customize your armor to fit your needs at the same time while keeping you from making an armor that has everything leaving you with nothing to fear in the game.

Aivech commented 8 years ago

If we could get two armor pieces in the interim to match the current Armored Jetpack, Free Runners, and Atomic Disassembler, I would be quite happy for a while :)

Aivech commented 8 years ago

If the MekaSuit is going to be primarily aimed at industrial use, I would suggest a few more features for it:

Some of these are fairly original, others not, I hold my peace.

IcieFlake commented 8 years ago

That is true. With some mods and atomic disslodger i can make a 1x1 tunnel as fast as IC2 suite allows me to run 'Kinda' overkill but fair late game update to be able to make a 9x1 tunnel as fast as the suit allows you to move forward, with right config of augments.

2016-04-15 15:50 GMT+02:00 DaMachinator

If the MekaSuit is going to be primarily aimed at industrial use, I would suggest a few more features for it:

  • A "straight line towards player" block placing feature similar to the FortressCraft Evolved Build Gun and Thaumcraft 5 Wand Focus: Building. Would be incredibly useful for running cables and stuff, or even just building platforms.
  • A built-in wrench, hopefully with some more of that lovely crossmod compatibility Mekanism is famous for. (Maybe a way to pick up IC2 machines losslessly?)
  • A bore of some sort for terraforming that can mine in a configurable AoE (maybe scalable from 1x1 to 9x9, with power requirements to match?
  • Built-in energy bank to charge tools.
  • Movement speed boost and step assist.
  • An upgrade to add integrated diving equipment.

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Mementh commented 8 years ago

I think that having digging would require the atomic dissassembler to have upgrades .. esp for enchants which i feel it would need.

having a wrench would be nice

I do like the idea of having a massive power bank/reserve thats swappable?

Aivech commented 8 years ago

Mekanism has always had nicely scalable tiered solutions for just about everything.

TheGuyFromTheInternet commented 8 years ago

it would be cool too if we could have an array of plasma based weapons just like the atomic disassembler and a gun using plasma. We could sure use that massive amount of power now.

However, I think something like this should be an addon to mekanism since it seems so big.

vagaprime commented 8 years ago

I really can not wait till this gets added. Its going to be so much fun to mess around with.

themechman commented 8 years ago

Anything to usurp Modular Power Suits and its addon(s). Honestly I'd rather go with something/someone who's more willing to listen to feedback and keep things flexible rather than continuing to build on dead API's and incompatible with shaders or render mods.

That said, my two bits: I'd prefer something utilitarian that lets me focus on building, versus fighting. Like autofeed (yes im that lazy), integrated sprinkler for putting yourself out when you do something dumb, and letting me work under water for extended periods of time.

While I like MPS, its OP. It has balances to handle some of the OP-ness, but I find my self ripping it out of the pack because it gets abused.

It needs to start simple, but grow with you as you do. Not a high-end start point either. IC2's quantum armor's also pretty OP, but it is properly balanced OP and thoroughly expensive enough to make you regret loosing a set.

mimikal commented 8 years ago

I've got a couple of ideas for some upgrades:

Helmet only { Night vision - gives player night vision Infra-red vision - makes nearby entities appear to have the glow effect (1.9) X-ray vision - makes a chosen block look like glass Trap Detector - highlights all explosives, pressure plates, and string in red Automatic consuming - automatically eats any food in inventory when hungry }

Chest only { Force field generator - cancels any damage taken dealing less than 8hp Induction matrix - stores a controllable amount of energy Regenerator - gives player regeneration effect Aqua-lungs - allows player to breathe under water {

Leggings only { Speed upgrade - gives player speed effect Jump upgrade - gives player jump boost effect Swim upgrade - triples swim speed Torch placer - places a torch when light level falls below specified minimum }

Boots only { Jet boots - allow player to hover and fly straight up only Soft soles - makes no noise when walking Shock absorbers - reduce fall damage by 80% Spawn sprinkler - sprinkles an invisible powder that mobs can't spawn on Angel placer - places a chosen block below the player (useful when flying) {

Generators (for any piece) { Combustion generator - generates 3KJ/second using coal and creates a lot of heat Respiration generator - generates 500J/second using sugar Cryogenic generator - generates 100J/second and freezes nearby water digestion generator - generates 300J/second using any food }

Heat resistance (for any piece) { Coolant tank - removes 2% of heat per second per upgrade Coolant vent - removes 3% of heat per second per upgrade, malfunctions in nether Coolant fan - removes 5% of heat per second per upgrade and uses energy Fire resistance - gives player fire resistance effect when suit is overheating }

Miscellaneous (for any piece) { Invisibility plugin - gives player invisibility effect and makes armor invisible Energetic gravity deflector - removes 200g of weight from the suit and uses energy Spiky plating - gives suit the thorns enchantment Robit garage - allows player to deploy a robit anywhere Mekasuit controller - allows player to activate and de-activate any upgrades while in use }

I also think that it would be cool if each piece could only have a certain amount of upgrades based on its size - a chestplate can have 8 upgrades, boots 4, leggings 7, and helmet 5. Every installed upgrade would have a weight, except the energetic gravity deflector, and when the total weight of the suit reaches 20kg, then the player will start getting severe slowness and weakness debuffs. When switched on, an upgrade would generate heat, and once the heat reaches 100C, the player will catch fire, and at 120C the suit will explode. Some upgrades would use and require energy when switched on, provided by the batteries or induction matrix, which could be charged either by using the internal generators or externally.

blockaxe333 commented 8 years ago

I didn't see this thread before i posted my power armour suggestion as part of a larger post in the DefenseTech github, and i love the idea's being thrown around so here's the power armour related excerpt from my post ( found here : )

Also before reading take note that this was written with Defensetech in mind for combat related ideas, so some of the 'add-on's ' might be more combat focused then the stuff already in here.

[ Power Armour ]

I'm not talking like the traditional Numina-powered suits of Armour, more like Edge of tomorrow or Elysium exo-suits , with as cool models as possible that would add more of a infantry-based side of defense or offense for players, which i think is a cool idea because the majority of defense tech and its predecessor's content is in majority, static base-designed defenses and offenses. The actual technology to build this would require processes from mekanism to manufacture i'm sure, and would be in majority manufactured from steel for the majority of the parts, with some form of circuitry to complement it.

note: the suit's once built would be held in a "suit rack " similar to iron man's gear, and displayed similarly , this plays into some of the attachments and would have ports on the sides for oxygen , and power to be pumped in. Similar to Fallout 4's power armour rack , from here the suit can be modified as required , as long as its powered ( under the assumption the rack inserts the modules for you )

note : Some upgrades are "internal" and make no physical difference on the suit, but major upgrades like batteries, or power swords or certain helmet upgrades would change aspects of the physical suit model.

note : when a suit runs out of durability all of its attachments bar plating are rendered useless, slowness is applied to the player plus blindness if an enclosed helmet is installed. They can be repaired with a shapeless recipe including each part, circuitry , steel and whatever other elements deemed necessary. Note-Note : Or they could be placed in the armor rack and auto-repaired for a chunk of power? Attachments :

portable radar add-on, similar to the Aliens universe motion detector for mobs and players but also detects in coming missiles, or EMP towers if upgraded.

Agility boosters , attachments added to the leg section of the suit which allow a 'step-up' bonus or increased speed, jumping etc

strength boosters , attachments to the torso which increase the physical strength of the wearer to the point where he/she can break blocks below diamond level with ease and gains a permanent powered knock-back bonus.

Uni-Wrench add-on, a wrench attachable to the torso section that has cross-mod capability.

Missile commander , a helmet and torso attachment set that allow's - when used with the portable radar to use missile strikes from a pre-determined launcher in a manner similar to 'Call of Duty's' predator missiles.

Various Batteries , a set of tiered batteries powering the above and below sets of attachments.

Exo-doc , a built in but invasive ( permanent reduction of health by a heart? ) medical assistant whom automatically heals the user and can be upgraded for faster speed of healing in one or more tiers.

Armour plating , fairly simple but increases both the durability of the exo-suit and the wearer, with dampening upgrades to increase the user's health by a few hearts whilst wearing the suit.

Auto-caller, a radio transceiver hooked into the Suit's stationary rack that automatically call's the suit to the wearer and attach's itself in place of whatever armor the user is currently wearing ( forces armor into inventory or ground , and may require chunk loading capability. )

Ferro-magnets , a set of magnet's attached to the leg's and boots that allow anything not bolted down to be drawn towards the player.

weighted boots , a set of boots which allow the player to walk along the bottom of the ocean unhindered.

Oxygen supply , a tank of oxygen equipped to the torso with respective breathing apparatus's equipped to the helmet that allow breathing in vacuum's or under-water provided oxygen is given.

"Venom Drones" , minute robot's launch-able similar to an ender pearl that can attach to walls, roofs or the floor ( adding blocks that prevent this? ) , which can be used as remote camera's.

"Venom Uplink" , an interface with customization placement on the HUD that allows remote viewing and cycling through view's of " Venom Drones " ( looking-glass API )

Power sword , an automated hydraulic attachment with swords that allows the use of a normal sword in a manner similar to a bayonet but with increased puncture damage due to piston-powered pushes. attached on torso

Enclosed helmet ( original helmet is like a frame ) , a set of metal plates shaped to spec that allow the cosmetic closing of a suit, but to little functional change bar possible increase in durability and damage reduction.

Engineers wrench , not an attachment but a powered multi-tool that allow's the changing of attachments in the field, so long as its powered and with a cool down/ installation time per attachment.

E.W.P , the Emergency Wind-up Power-supply is an attachment to the torso and leg's which either allow's a player to click and generate a set ( but minute ) portion of energy per click, or to walk / run and generate an even smaller amount of energy per block moved.

Pheromone generator , a capsule attached to the helmet which makes the player "invisible" to mobs which are hostile.

Enclosed suit , similar to the enclosed helmet plating this attachment cover's the respective torso, legs and boots in metal plating , although its unsealed for a moderately increased durability of the suit.

Reflective plating , an upgraded enclosed suit, this system incorporates several layers of silver and glass in a lacquered "plate" which can reflect high-energy lasers and energy-based weapons.

Ablative plating , an alternative upgraded enclosed suit , this system encorporates micro-plates of high-density metal , which when linked together sacrifice increments of durability in chunks to prevent damage from shrapnel, explosives or other ballistic dangers.

Hazmat plating, an upgraded enclosed suit that includes biological seals , this system incorporates hazmat-grade seal's made out of rubber and steel wire underneath thicker-cut metal plating , which prevents external potion effect's( negative or positive ) , radiation and fire( at the rapid cost of durability. )

Shoulder mount , a socket attached to the torso which allow's further mounting of weapon systems.

Rail gun , a militarized array of magnets that launches ballistic rounds at high speeds - must be powered. Missile launcher, fires lower powered missiles once loaded towards a manually aimed target or used in sync with the missile commander attachment to fire missiles towards remote targets. auto loader, an attachment to the back of the of the torso which auto-load's ammunition from an internal reservoir into weapons systems, not powered. Shock dampeners , these allow higher powered missiles ( mid tier ) to be fired from the suit. Improved servo's , high-power magnet array's replace traditional hydraulic array's in the leg's and arm's, increasing speed , strength etc but also allow vertical scaling of surfaces.

Battlefield power jack , this baby allows the player , when interfacing with any machines to input a set portion of power into their suit or to output a certain portion of power to any machines when shift-clicked. Note : this would be done with a GUI that has sliders etc

Defensive technologies and Offensive technologies :

Note that , i know there is a post request for this kind of idea already but expanding on the concept on several fronts.

Aivech commented 8 years ago

SO MANY IDEAS not enough time to do more than skim them all

Suit built largely around building, construction, and logistics.



Powered by 1) hydrogen fuel cell (would require oxygen supply underwater) or 2) directly inputting RF. Either way, should be able to add more fuel/MekanismJoule storage at the cost of increased weight.

Without any modules, it gives the player some vanilla armor points.

If it runs out of power, it slows player movement speed in proportion to weight, with a base slowness level per tier. If speed boost modules are installed, movement is made even slower in proportion to module tier - higher tier modules make you even slower. Why make speed boost modules incur an additional slowness penalty when unpowered? Presumably they use hydraulic, pneumatic, or electrical actuators. So when they lose power, not only do you need to lug the heavy suit around, you also have to force the actuators to move as well.


Component Tiered? Purpose
Boosted Actuators Yes ++ move speed
Jump Jets* Yes ++ jump height
Step Actuators No ++ step height
Shock Absorbers Yes -- fall damage
Pressurized Helmet* No respiration effect
Armor Plating Yes regular damage reduction
Plasma Field* Yes projectile damage reduction
Enhanced Plating* Yes magic damage reduction
Active Cooling* Yes gives fire resistance
van de Graff Unit Yes gives Thorns
Ion Thrusters* Yes give MekJ-powered flight
Hydrogen Thrusters* Yes give Hydrogen-powered flight
Solar Generator* Yes generate power from sunlight
Gas Generator* Yes generate power from flammable gas
Minaturized Fusion Plant* No generate power from tritium/deuterium fusion
Feeding Tube No autofeed
NanoMedics* Yes regeneration, cures negative effects
Item Vacuum* Yes item magnet

Starred Component Explanations

Jump Jets: Require hydrogen, upgrades increase jump height and efficiency. Lowest tier uses x amount of hydrogen to jump an additional 2-3 blocks. Subsequent tiers increase jump height and use less hydrogen per block.

Pressurized Helmet: Requires oxygen.

Plasma Field: Like the vanilla Projectile Protection enchant. Each tier corresponds to an additional level thereof.

Enhanced Plating: Requires SOMETHING (not sure what) enchanted with the Protection enchant. Higher tiers require higher enchant levels.

Active Cooling: When taking fire damage (or if you have a mini fusion plant installed) absorbs the heat into an internal buffer instead of damaging the player. Dissipates a fixed amount of heat per tick from the buffer. Higher tiers dissipate more and have a larger buffer. If the buffer fills, the cooling module cannot absorb more heat and thus no longer protects the player from fire damage.

Thrusters, in general: Upgrades decrease power/fuel use and increase flight speed. Each level has a maximum suit weight it can lift. Speed and power/fuel use are dependent upon suit weight. Go ahead and try adding more thrusters. You'll probably find the huge increase in power/fuel consumption is not worth the extra lifting capacity and speed. Ion thrusters: Cannot lift much, but can fly for a long time and have a higher base speed than hydrogen thrusters. Hydrogen thrusters: Can lift a LOT, but have lower flying times and are slower. NB: Top-tier hydrogen thrusters installed on a suit with nothing but power and a few hydrogen tanks will be faster than top-tier ion thrusters installed on a suit that approaches its maximum weight.

Solar Generator: Upgrades increase efficiency (power generated per unit weight)

Gas Generator: Upgrades increase possible fuel types and efficiency (power generated per unit weight)

Minaturized Fusion Plant: Very heavy. Top-tier suit frame only. Generates a lot of power. Requires D/T Fuel to operate, and requires an Active Cooling Module to be installed and a ridiculous amount of power to start. If the Active Cooling Module overloads, it will meltdown, killing the player and destroying the armor.

NanoMedics: Two tiers. First tier gives Regen I and can cure blindness and nausea, and requires the Elite suit frame. Second tier gives Regen II and can cure all negative effects that drinking milk can.

Item Vacuum: Tiers increase range.

aidancbrady commented 8 years ago

@DaMachinator, your suggestions have my approval. I'm beginning to brainstorm how I'm going to approach this and your ideas follow along almost exactly with how I'd want to go about this project. I'll keep you all posted with my plans.

UntouchedWagons commented 8 years ago

There's this free-to-play video game called Firefall and it features soldiers in mostly-modular power armor. A year or two ago there was this mechanic where your suit has only so many CPUs available and could only carry so much weight. Each component (jetpack, servos, weapons, abilities, etc...) had a certain weight and used a certain number of CPUs. You could offset the weight by using modules that used an additional CPU. This forced you to min-max damage, speed, survivability and ability capabilities. This could be an interesting system to incorporate into the MekaSuit to prevent OP setups and encourage creativity.

Aivech commented 8 years ago

There's this free-to-play video game called Firefall and it features soldiers in mostly-modular power armor. A year or two ago there was this mechanic where your suit has only so many CPUs available and could only carry so much weight. Each component (jetpack, servos, weapons, abilities, etc...) had a certain weight and used a certain number of CPUs. You could offset the weight by using modules that used an additional CPU. This forced you to min-max damage, speed, survivability and ability capabilities. This could be an interesting system to incorporate into the MekaSuit to prevent OP setups and encourage creativity.

That was my idea with the tiered weight mechanic with the additional restriction that certain items REQUIRE certain tiers. I like powerful items, as long as the effort needed to get them is commensurate with their power. Effort being having to build supporting infrastructure and infrastructure to support THAT infrastructure in most cases.

themechman commented 8 years ago

The problem is you start looking like MPS. MPS has few drawbacks other than weight which can be overcome by more power assistance. You get the idea.

While everyone will counter my argument, its OP. Period. Its bad enough that servers have worldgen speed problems when riding a horse or boat, but its even worse when some idiot is capable of moving at 50m/sec. I have had players do this on a regular basis just to troll the owners.

Boosts must be reasonable. No faster than a boat/horse. I've already specified why. It cripples servers when people go exploring.

Frankly we need more uses for refined glowstone and obsidian ingots.

Aivech commented 8 years ago

So replace weight with any arbitrary word of your choice that doesn't sound like MPS and makes sense. It's an arbitrarily imposed limit for game balance reasons.

I agree, most servers and even individual PC's cannot keep up with the increased speed. (Pregeneration helps, but you can still go too fast.)

Also, what CAN go 50 m/s that isn't endgame (Botania globetrotters sash, Chromaticcraft Lumen Dash [which doesn't last forever, you have to let it recharge every so often])?

themechman commented 8 years ago

It's honestly silly to have that kind of speed in any circumstance and have it consume next to no power, or have the ability to regenerate the power from simply moving. This is currently possible with MPS.

Weight and heat generation (forgot that addition) is your only serious limitation. Power consumption is a joke for MPS. So a multi-layer approach to penalties.

CPU cost, and power grid usage thrown in there with weight makes you really have to think about what mods you want to carry around. Just so you cant walk around with 500Kg of gear and get away with it.


Also, DaMachinator, I've gone over your suggested list (and others). I cant help but feeling that looks almost carbon copy of MPS.

Might I suggest dumping RF/J/EU powered jets. It really makes things very stupidly easy for people who have energy to throw away.

mimikal commented 8 years ago

I've got an idea for another limitation! SPACE! (as in volume, not the universe).

So the helmet part of the armor can only ever have enough space for 5 (because 5 materials is used for building it) upgrades/modules. The chestplate 8, leggings 7, and boots 4! This would be impossible to change, therefore the player has to take choices on which modules (s)he will need. If the player wants more, then two suits will be necessary, meaning twice the effort.

On 25 July 2016 at 04:58, Joseph Harder wrote:

It's honestly silly to have that kind of speed in any circumstance and have it consume next to no power, or have the ability to regenerate the power from simply moving. This is currently possible with MPS.

Weight and heat generation (forgot that addition) is your only serious limitation. Power consumption is a joke for MPS. So a multi-layer approach to penalties.

CPU cost, and power grid usage thrown in there with weight makes you really have to think about what mods you want to carry around. Just so you cant walk around with 500Kg of gear and get away with it.

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Aivech commented 8 years ago

Also, DaMachinator, I've gone over your suggested list (and others). I cant help but feeling that looks almost carbon copy of MPS. Might I suggest dumping RF/J/EU powered jets. It really makes things very stupidly easy for people who have energy to throw away.

Yes, it is like MPS in many ways. There are only so many ways to do this - I was not trying to intentionally copy MPS, just thinking of what I would like in an exosuit oriented more towards utility than combat.

Weight: An arbitrary limitation for balance reasons that makes sense to me.

Move speed and jump jets should have the same effect as the corresponding vanilla potion (jump boost I-IV and speed I-IV) Step assist is based on freerunners. Pressurized helmet is based on the existing diving helmet. Armor plating is vanilla-type armor. Plasma Field through VDG unit are based on vanilla armor enchants and each tier should have the same effect as the corresponding level of that enchant, except for active cooling, which I already described. The idea behind ALL the thrusters was that suits with more modules/stronger frame require more lifting power to sustain flight, and a suit with less modules can go faster than a suit with more modules using the same rockets. Ion thrusters would be considerably weaker (not strong enough to lift a suit frame with full modules of the corresponding tier) but have considerably longer flight times. This idea is mostly from Space Engineers but not a 100% copy since SE ions barely work at all in the atmosphere. The solar and gas generators are supposed to be based on the Advanced Solar Panel and the Gas Generator, respectively. The miniature fusion reactor is based on the big Mek fusion reactor, but the idea is from Factorio's exosuits. The requirement for the cooling module is for balance reasons. Nanomedics are the only name I could come up with that didn't sound like I was copying someone else. The only reason I suggested them is because with the modset I play with everything is dangerous.

themechman commented 8 years ago

Do forgive me if I'm trying to tear things apart here. Its constructive and I'm not trying to upset you.

Move speed and jump jets should have the same effect as the corresponding vanilla potion (jump boost I-IV and speed I-IV)

I wholeheartedly agree. The boost should be fixed tiered values and not a linear user selected value (aka slide bar).

The miniature fusion reactor is based on the big Mek fusion reactor, but the idea is from Factorio's exosuits. The requirement for the cooling module is for balance reasons.

I'm down for this as long as there is a limitation. A fuel buffer filled with D-T fuel be required for operation (tiered). Preferably it cannot be field serviced (changed out). Give you a reason to use the personal teleporter.

Utildayael commented 8 years ago

I dunno. The major players in fancy armor fall out like this in 1.7.10:

Blood Magic. Super OP armor that takes sigils to make it even more OP including things like haste and projectile deflection.

IC2 - Quantum Armor. Basically EU fueled armor with a built in jet pack and options for underwater breathing, self feeding, sprint, etc.

EnderIO - Dark steel armor which has options for all sorts of things

Botania - TerraSteel armor which has health regen even when hunger not full plus other mods that can be added

MPS - well discussed in this thread already

RotaryCraft - bedrock armor, probably he most OP of all armor available as its nearly impossible to die ever

That's probably the main ones I see used often from mainstream mods. Of those, all but MPS and RC have made the move to newer MC versions including 1.10 which is where Aidan has said Mek is going once he gets 1.9.4 stable. Making an OP suit of armor isn't exactly rare and there's so many mods that do it now (above and otherwise) that it's kinda moot.

Point being, this will continue to be the norm. What's the main focus of Mekanism tho? I would argue it is not combat. There's a couple items for combat but Mek isn't a combat mod.

The big question to Aidan would be his overall direction of the mod. If it's not combat, I think the Mek suit discussion narrows easily to that of utility.

What's that mean?

Don't see it really needing combat anything. Maybe diamond armor level protection by needs Mek joules for power like really any other tech mod armor. Modular so you can upgrade pieces (think Draconic Evolution with its book slots), and just plain useful for building your base and gathering resources to support that.

Just my thoughts. Plenty of combat armor out there both in 1.7.10 and newer. Not nearly as much utility armor. Having an alternative to just "pick favorite OP armor and add an angel ring for flight" would be nice. Sure you don't have to do it but think of all the servers you've played on, that's pretty much the norm. :)

On Jul 25, 2016, at 11:38 AM, Joseph Harder wrote:

Do forgive me if I'm trying to tear things apart here. Its constructive and I'm not trying to upset you.

Move speed and jump jets should have the same effect as the corresponding vanilla potion (jump boost I-IV and speed I-IV)

I wholeheartedly agree. The boost should be fixed tiered values and not a linear user selected value (aka slide bar).

The miniature fusion reactor is based on the big Mek fusion reactor, but the idea is from Factorio's exosuits. The requirement for the cooling module is for balance reasons.

I'm down for this as long as there is a limitation. A fuel buffer filled with D-T fuel be required for operation (tiered). Preferably it cannot be field serviced (changed out). Give you a reason to use the personal teleporter.

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Aivech commented 8 years ago

Since when did the Quantum Armor let you fly? The Gravitation Suit from the GraviSuite addon does, but not the Quantum Armor.

It is quite possible to die in RoC armor; I've done it multiple times. It BECOMES nearly invincible when you combine it with other things in the mod and a set of boosted crystal pendants from Chromaticcraft.

There's also the Wyvern and Draconic armor from Draconic Evolution, which just got completely redone - I don't know how they work any more - and the Infinity Armor from Avaritia, which is a joke mod.

My addition of the seemingly useless protection modules for the various vanilla protection enchantments is because I typically play packs where everything wants you dead and the world is very dangerous. This makes base additions very dangerous, albeit less so during the day.

PrincessOfEvil commented 8 years ago

And PE gem armor.

Utildayael commented 8 years ago

It's got a jet pack so you can fly. Includes hover mode iirc. It's not creative flight if that's what you're asking.

Spaced off DE. Also an uber combat armor set. Only died once in Bedrock and was due to a a turbine incident. :)

Anyway my point specifically was that there is so much over combat armor out there that I don't feel Mek needs to join that crowd unless Aidan is wanting to move the mod to more combat in which case I can think of quite a few other supporting things he needs to add wth that. :)

On Jul 25, 2016, at 12:41 PM, DaMachinator wrote:

Since when did the Quantum Armor let you fly? The Gravitation Suit from the GraviSuite addon does, but not the Quantum Armor.

It is quite possible to die in RoC armor. I know, I did it. Multiple times.

There's also the Wyvern and Draconic armor from Draconic Evolution, which just got completely redone - I don't know how they work any more - and the Infinity Armor from Avaritia, which is a joke mod.

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Aivech commented 8 years ago

Spaced off DE. Also an uber combat armor set. Only died once in Bedrock and was due to a a turbine incident. :)

My method of PvP'ing anyone with DE in bedrock involves a quad of bedrock industrial coils, an EMP Weapon, and a gravel gun.

I died in full bedrock: Once to fall damage (was surprised since boots are Feather Falling IV) Multiple times to Grimoire of Gaia III mobs Once or twice to super-buffed vanilla mobs

themechman commented 8 years ago

Spaced off DE. Also an uber combat armor set. Only died once in Bedrock and was due to a a turbine incident. :)

Achievement Get: This really sucks. I got the chicken one >:) That was amusing.

Bedrock is an absolute pain to get. It requires a huge tech tree (and investment) to be established before you can get it. Coils have been changed to make life far more difficult to do that kind of setup. As far as RoC goes, I'm unimpressed with bedrock armor, but I will use it if that is the only endgame set available. The author of RoC has been approached to update.

Yes, Quantum armor does have flight (Not the nano armor which is black). It is not enabled by default on some versions. You have to turn it on with a key combination. This armor is aggravatingly difficult to make due to changes in UU-Matter. If you have RoC installed, this becomes slightly easier with iridium being a 2% chance of yield when processing silver ore. While many argue that its the best, many of the twilight bosses have the ability to do some serious damage to you.

As like all of your other mods, please make it possible for modpack creators /server owners to disable modules.

ghost commented 8 years ago

There should be a way to get an elytra mode on the jetpack.

How to get the upgrade: You'd have to get an elytra and then use it to craft the "Elytra Upgrade" and then take that and your jetpack and use the "Upgrade table" to install the upgrade.

How it would work: Pretty simple; "Elyta mode" works the same as a normal elytra except you can use the jetpack to give you a speed boost for the cost of fuel.

The Upgrade table: Allows you to install upgrades onto your tools/armour. Would later be used to apply and remove upgrades for the MekaSuit.

rapus95 commented 7 years ago

only a minor change to allow some stuff to make sense: the suit contains both a hydrogen and an oxygen tank. then you could: a) breathe the oxygen underwater b) use the hydrogen (and the oxygen) to use the jetpack in the air (saying we use the O2 of the air doesn't count) c) use both together for underwater movement (and maybe underwater flamethrower :D)

momerathe commented 7 years ago

As a recent convert to Mekanism, I'd like to add my 0.02 here :).

Building on the theme of choices in how you build you suit, how about an "obsidian" path, and a "plastic" path. Obsidian gear already a feature of high-tier kit, and plastic production is cool, and needs more uses. (You could even add more fancy high tech composite materials)

Obsidian parts are the stompy combat-oriented option. High protection, damage/knockback boosts, but high fuel use and limited speed upgrade.

Plastic parts are the high-tech ninja approach. High speed, fast flight, high efficiency, with space for lots of Quality-of-Life enhancements.

tpine commented 7 years ago

With the $0.02 from fans of the mod I personally don't like the idea of flight in the suit. The lego model up top gave me this real heavy vibe I liked for the feel for a industrial themed mod. So give the suit jump jets and maybe temporary hover so you can control where a improved jump lets you go better but not flight. Leave flight for a magic mod integration where the other mod lets you reduce the weight of the suit untill the jump jets can lift the suits weight.

Namakarmon commented 6 years ago

How About a charging dock/bay for charging and entering and exiting