mekanism / Mekanism-Feature-Requests

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Support for `PreventRemoteMovement` in MekaSuit Boots #630

Closed MuteTiefling closed 4 months ago

MuteTiefling commented 4 months ago

Describe the feature you'd like

Would be nice if the MekaSuit Magnet Boot upgrade would respect the PreventRemoteMovement flag on items and not suck them up.

Describe alternatives you've considered

No response

Additional context

Here's a post from BluSunrize requesting the same feature of another mod with magnets, including links to relevant repos

Items with the Magnet enchant as well as the magnet block allow picking up Item entities that have the NBT Tag "PreventRemoteMovement" applied. This tag is (for instance) applied by Immersive Engineering's conveyor belts.

This NBT Tag on Item entities has established itself in the modding community as a global flag for "don't magnet that!" It was originally hashed out between Vazkii, Ellpeck, WayOfTime, myself and a few others. We agreed on PreventRemoteMovement. I made my conveyors apply that tag, and various devs adjusted their magnet to ignore entities tagged as such.

For example implementation see here:

pupnewfster commented 4 months ago

MuteTiefling commented 4 months ago

Ah, fair enough :D Thanks!