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Year and ID fields cause confusion #3

Closed HKervadec closed 11 months ago

HKervadec commented 3 years ago

Currently, the header is structured as follow:

% Heading for publication (ignore during submission).
% arguments are:
% {article-id}{year}{pages}{date submitted}{date published}{author-full-names}{special-issue-title}{special-issue-editors}
% Publications instructions for authors of FINAL ACCEPT papers, before uploading final proof to scholastica:
%  article-id: This is provided upon acceptance from the Associate Editor
%  article-link: This is provided upon acceptance from the Associate Editor
%  year: the year of publication (the year you plan to upload to arXiv the final version)
%  pages: "1-X" where X is the number of pages in this final paper (including appendices)
%  date-submitted: Date submitted to MELBA: mm/yyyy
%  date-published: Today's date: mm/yyyy
%  author-full-names: Last names of all the authors, separated by commas or 'and' before final author.
%  special-issue-title: If part of a special issue, name of the issue *as given by the Associate Editor*. Otherwise, leave blank.
%  special-issue-editors: If part of a special issue, editors of the issue *as given by the Associate Editor*. Otherwise, leave blank.
\melbaheading{0}{}{2020}{1-?}{mm/yyyy}{mm/yyyy}{Dalca and Sabuncu}{}{}

The article-id usually takes the shape of YYYY:NNN while the year field contains YYYY ; and the template formats that as year:article-id, resulting in YYYY:YYYY:NNN.

Dropping the year field would be the easiest solution, but it is better to think this through. We already have the date submitted and published so this is probably redundant anyway.

HKervadec commented 11 months ago

Somewhat fixed, with the new header ( d683cd76681556861a240b7fcd0d9378c077e02a ) and DOI used for the URL.