meleca / mr-roboto

A fun IRC bot that help us on work days
MIT License
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Add quotes module #2

Open luizdepra opened 9 years ago

luizdepra commented 9 years ago

Add commands to print and add quotes to the database.

Abdur-rahmaanJ commented 5 years ago

quotations means?

luizdepra commented 5 years ago

Wrong word. I mean quotes, something like this.

julianolf commented 5 years ago

@luizdepra but you mean a command to quote something somebody said in the channel or retrieve famous quotes previously stored?

Let me give an example of what I mean by a command to save quotes.

Suppose that the following is a piece of chatting:

10:10 [angry_geek] I hate this stupid deadlines!
10:01 [Douglas_Adams] I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
10:01 [angry_geek] wtf?!
10:02 [anonymous] hahaha
10:02 [anonymous] !quote add Douglas_Adams
10:02 [mr_roboto] New quote saved
10:03 [angry_geek] !quote Douglas_Adams
10:03 [mr_roboto] "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. - Douglas_Adams"

In this example a quote was saved and retrieved.

The other option would be use a public service or database with famous quotes and just retrieve them.

luizdepra commented 5 years ago

@julianolf, I think we can start with a local quote system. I don't know a good quote api. hehee

Abdur-rahmaanJ commented 5 years ago


Abdur-rahmaanJ commented 5 years ago

@luizdepra @julianolf look at me, a beginner. i want to develop a plugin. i see the docs. euhh where is the docs? i next see the wiki, it is as empty as desert but wait ... it does not even exist. i next try to find some tutos, nowhere to be seen. i then see a sign on which it is written RTM, sorry RTC (ode).

julianolf commented 5 years ago

Hey @Abdur-rahmaanJ, I'm sorry for the delay, and I'm really sorry for the lack of documentation in this project, I think that just like most of the open source software in its very first releases we spent more time coding than documenting. We do need write proper information to help those who wants to help, maybe a new issue would help us to remember that.

Look, if you want to write a plugin take a look at the docs for irc3 library, _mrroboto is basically an instance of the irc client provided by the library, there you will be able to have a better understanting on how _mrroboto works, what sort of default plugins does it has, how to configure them and how to write your own plugins.

I hope this can help you.