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No log file on error #2

Open Tyil opened 6 years ago

Tyil commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to start a service with service-start, which fails on my OS (Funtoo) because it uses rc-service, not service. I've found this out by looking through the source code, because the log file it should create doesnt exist:

@ linux service manager
bash hook error: do_bash_hook failed.
 see /opt/sparrow/tmp/19834/story-0/649.err for details at /usr/local/lib64/perl5/5.24.0/Outthentic/ line 655.
failed to execute shell command: cd /opt/sparrow/plugins/public/service && export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/local/bin && export PERL5LIB=$PWD/local/lib/perl5:$PERL5LIB && export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/python-lib:$PYTHONPATH &&   strun --root ./ --task '[task] start service dnsmasq' --json /opt/sparrow/cache/task_5.json --purge-cache --format default at /usr/local/lib64/perl5/5.24.0/Sparrow/ line 32.
        Sparrow::Misc::execute_shell_command("cd /opt/sparrow/plugins/public/service \x{26}\x{26} export PATH=\$PATH:\$"...) called at /usr/local/lib64/perl5/5.24.0/Sparrow/Commands/ line 364
        Sparrow::Commands::Task::task_run("taskbox", "start-service-dnsmasq", "--no-exec", "--json", "/opt/sparrow/cache/task_5.json", "--purge-cache", undef) called at /usr/local/lib64/perl5/5.24.0/Sparrow/Commands/ line 89
        Sparrow::Commands::TaskBox::box_run("/opt/sparrow/sparrow-cache/task-box.json", "--mode", "quiet", "--purge-cache") called at /usr/local/bin/sparrow line 237
The spawned command 'sudo sh -c 'export LC_ALL=C ; export GIT_PROTOCOL=https ; export PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC=1 ; export PATH=/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin/:/sbin/:/bin/:$PATH ; export SPARROW_ROOT=/opt/sparrow ; export SPARROW_CONF_PATH=/opt/sparrow/sparrow-cache/sparrow.yaml ; export OUTTHENTIC_FORMAT=default ; sparrow box run /opt/sparrow/sparrow-cache/task-box.json --mode quiet --purge-cache'' exited unsuccessfully (exit code: 2)
  in block <unit> at /home/tyil/.rakudo-star/rakudo-star-2018.04/install/share/perl6/site/resources/EF69F25AAEC473A77D51F9650464FD62B1520AC1 line 396
  in sub MAIN at /home/tyil/.rakudo-star/rakudo-star-2018.04/install/share/perl6/site/bin/sparrowdo line 2
  in block <unit> at /home/tyil/.rakudo-star/rakudo-star-2018.04/install/share/perl6/site/bin/sparrowdo line 2
$ cat /opt/sparrow/tmp/19834/story-0/649.err
cat: /opt/sparrow/tmp/19834/story-0/649.err: No such file or directory

I'm also trying to fix the issue on my machine, but it still errors out, and since there's no log file I can't really troubleshoot at this point. Why is there no error log at the path noted in the output of sparrowdo?

Tyil commented 6 years ago

FWIW, this is the last part of a tutorial I'm writing on how to get started with Sparrowdo, including some sample code to set up a DNS cache with dnsmasq. This tutorial in turn intends to close

melezhik commented 6 years ago

Hi Patrick! Sparrowdo runs sparrow client with --purge-cache option enabled, that results in cleanup of all temp/cache files upon sparrow run. Here is 67f6533bee4c5ef702c5201d6ab09e574c23c894 fix to make it possible overwrite this option on sparrowdo side, I will want to like that:

sparrowdo --purge_cache=False

Please let me know if it helps.


melezhik commented 6 years ago

Here if full link -

melezhik commented 6 years ago

Probably I need to dynamically disable cache purge in case of any errors during sparrow client execution, so that a use could take troubleshooting, but this require changes in Sparrow client, meanwhile please use sparrowdo --purge_cache=False as a work around ....

Tyil commented 6 years ago

With that patch the error log does exist, but it's empty.

melezhik commented 6 years ago

Please run as sparrwodo --verbose --purge_cache=False and attach output ... I will take a look closer ...

melezhik commented 6 years ago

Ok, no need to attach the log, I know the reason:

$ cat hook.bash

service=$(config service)

shopt -s nocasematch;

if [[ $os =~ "debian" ]]; then
  run_story $(config action) os debian service $service
elif [[ "$os" =~ "ubuntu" ]]; then
  run_story $(config action) os debian service $service
elif [[ "$os" =~ "amazon" ]]; then
  run_story $(config action) os amazon service $service
elif [[ "$os" =~ "centos" ]]; then
  run_story $(config action) os $os service $service
elif [[ "$os" =~ "archlinux" ]]; then
  run_story $(config action) os $os service $service
elif [[ "$os" =~ "minoca" ]]; then
  run_story $(config action) os $os service $service
  echo "unknown os: $os"
  exit 1

Obviously funtoo is not listed here, so Sparrow just print "unknown os: funtoo" into STDOUT and just exit with 1

The reason you can't see anything in the STDOUT is a Sparrow specific how it, handles errors in so called hooks files. ( The is a probably subject for another improvement ticket ),

I will fix you up with patch soon.

melezhik commented 6 years ago

I've released to SPH a new version of service plugin with Funtoo support -

Please you this one and make sure that sparrow client index is updated on remote host ( this is default mode unless you don't use --no_index_update)

Tyil commented 6 years ago

Oh, I completely missed that part, I was looking in the modules/start/story.bash file, and just updated that one in the hopes that'd work. I can rewrite that file to a case and see if I can fix it like that. As an added bonus, we'll get some cleaner code out of it. I'll probably add a default case to try the Debian version, but add in a warning about it.

Tyil commented 6 years ago

I'll try to update to your new version for now, and update it if I think it can be made prettier :)

melezhik commented 6 years ago

Sure, it's open source )))))

Tyil commented 6 years ago

The new version you uploaded works to call the rc-service tool correctly! Thanks for the quick update!

melezhik commented 6 years ago

Yeah, sure. It's was "blind" change but I have been found lucky )))