meliorence / react-native-render-html

iOS/Android pure javascript react-native component that renders your HTML into 100% native views
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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First line of a <p> tag has broken line height on android when using a custom font. #619

Open Jack11709 opened 1 year ago

Jack11709 commented 1 year ago

Decision Table

Good Faith Declaration


When using a custom font is used and applying line height property in the base styles, the first line of a paragraph tag does not respect that line height, issue is only present on Android, works as expected on IOS

React Native Information

"react": "18.1.0",
6.3.4"react-native": "0.70.5",

RNRH Version


Tested Platforms

Reproduction Platforms

Minimal, Reproducible Example

import React from 'react'
import { useWindowDimensions } from 'react-native'
import RenderHtml, { defaultSystemFonts } from 'react-native-render-html'
import { useFonts, Arimo_400Regular } from '@expo-google-fonts/arimo'
import { SafeAreaView } from 'react-native'

const source = {
  html: `
  Sed sit amet tempus nisl. Etiam eget maximus dui. Pellentesque ut est non diam facilisis tincidunt faucibus vel ex. Curabitur felis turpis, tincidunt nec imperdiet ac, tristique in leo. Praesent id odio porta, eleifend nulla sit amet, porta enim. Integer magna justo, venenatis aliquam sapien sit amet, tempus varius tortor. Morbi non gravida quam, vel blandit velit. Suspendisse a dolor maximus sapien consequat tincidunt. Aliquam sed lectus sed diam mollis luctus. Vivamus in orci sit amet odio placerat tincidunt nec ac lorem. Donec blandit et risus vulputate pretium. Integer eget condimentum metus. Nulla accumsan orci non ullamcorper gravida. Duis laoreet facilisis nibh, in sollicitudin neque vehicula ut. Donec auctor eu leo a vehicula. Sed magna ipsum, vestibulum sed leo id, pretium sollicitudin urna.

function FontLoader({ children }) {
  const [fontsLoaded] = useFonts({
    arimo: Arimo_400Regular
  if (!fontsLoaded) {
    return null
  return <>{children}</>

const fonts = ['arimo', ...defaultSystemFonts]

export default function App() {
  const { width } = useWindowDimensions()
  const fontFamily = 'arimo'

  return (
          baseStyle={{ lineHeight: 20, fontSize: 16, fontFamily }}

Screenshot 2023-02-22 at 15 21 08

Additional Notes

This issue does not occur when using a system font.