meliorence / react-native-render-html

iOS/Android pure javascript react-native component that renders your HTML into 100% native views
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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React 0.74 - Update defaultProps to JavaScript default parameters. #661

Open nd-gorm opened 4 months ago

nd-gorm commented 4 months ago

Decision Table

Good Faith Declaration


Hi it seems most components are setup to use TS defaultProp, which will be removed from function components. I suppose this future error is present in all components using defaultProps.

React Native Information

`Support for defaultProps will be removed from function components in a future major release. Use JavaScript default parameters instead.`

`MemoizedTNodeRenderer: Support for defaultProps will be removed from memo components in a future major release. Use JavaScript default parameters instead.`

RNRH Version


Tested Platforms

Reproduction Platforms

Minimal, Reproducible Example

Run in a React Native project >= 0.74

Additional Notes

No response

Simba-Mupfunya commented 4 months ago

same issue as @nd-gorm

QuentinOber commented 4 months ago

same issue as @nd-gorm .-)

bruce-mec commented 4 months ago

Same, after upgrading to react native 0.74

ivanoikon commented 4 months ago

Same issue here. But the question is: is this project still alive?

yeezussniper commented 3 months ago

I see attempts to fix this ( But they failed the test. There are suspicions that the project is really abandoned :(

djMax commented 3 months ago

I reached out with an offer to sponsor and have not heard back, so I have similar concerns. Perhaps time for a fork? Or perhaps @meliorence can add a maintainer.

ba361006 commented 3 months ago

same here, will show the warning as below

ERROR  Warning: TNodeChildrenRenderer: Support for defaultProps will be removed from function components in a future major release. Use JavaScript default parameters instead.
ERROR  Warning: MemoizedTNodeRenderer: Support for defaultProps will be removed from memo components in a future major release. Use JavaScript default parameters instead.
ERROR  Warning: TRenderEngineProvider: Support for defaultProps will be removed from function components in a future major release. Use JavaScript default parameters instead.


yeezussniper commented 3 months ago

@djMax and @ba361006 Eventually, I took this package and made it for myself inside my project

djMax commented 3 months ago

But this doesn't do any of the translation to React components, no? That's the main magic bit of this module, IMHO.

yeezussniper commented 3 months ago

No, I just needed to display the users html in the View

chriszs commented 3 months ago

The CI step that failed when merging a fix in #658 was a linting step. Lint errors were fixed in #660, in which regarding the potential for a release the maintainer said, "I cannot promise anything, but will consider releasing when I find some time off." So, a fix may be released, but not on any definite timeline.

linusrush commented 3 months ago

Also looking forward to the fix release

bytemtek commented 3 months ago

same issue as @nd-gorm

IvanMijic0 commented 3 months ago

Same issue as @nd-gorm

Cube321 commented 3 months ago

same issue as @nd-gorm

bytemtek commented 3 months ago

Is there any solution ?

ivanoikon commented 3 months ago

I solved switching to this library while waiting for a fix react-native-html-text-view.

bytemtek commented 3 months ago

I solved switching to this library while waiting for a fix react-native-html-text-view.

Thank you so much.

QuentinOber commented 3 months ago

I switched to react-native-htmlview and it's working fine so far; smooth transation.

tmeduho commented 2 months ago

@jsamr any update?

AronBe commented 2 months ago

@skb1129 was the work done but not yet released?

tmeduho commented 2 months ago

@AronBe correct, see

ycldz commented 2 months ago

same issue

edritech93 commented 2 months ago

same issue for me, try switch to react-native-htmlview

vinz-mehra commented 2 months ago

@tmeduho So, do we have to wait now? or can we use this GitHub branch as a package on my project? Is there any workaround?

TheRealMikeD commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately, react-native-htmlview is missing a lot of features that this library has, which makes it a less than ideal replacement. At least, in my experience.

Hoping for a release soon!

awlodarczyk commented 1 month ago

if someone needs, here is patch-package fixing issue


ivanoikon commented 1 month ago

if someone needs, here is patch-package fixing issue


How can be used?

Cube321 commented 1 month ago

Hi Adam, amazing, thanks so much! :) However, I also struggle a bit how to properly implement it to the project. Would it be possible to give us few words of guidance? Thank so much! Jakub

PadovaY commented 1 month ago

@ivanoikon @Cube321 patch-package is an npm package that allows to make modifications in npm dependencies. see in the provided link.

DeepakSharma04 commented 1 month ago

Hi guys , can anybody tell me how i can pass unique id in it and fetch it in the render method.

       //any props here where i send unique key and fetch it in render method.
       source={{ html: item.body }}
const renderers = {
    redacted: (htmlAttribs, children, convertedCSSStyles, passProps) => {
     if (htmlAttribs) {
            console.log('unique id ',passProps.index); // getting undefined here
Simba-Mupfunya commented 1 month ago

@ivanoikon @Cube321 Step 1: npm install --save-dev patch-package postinstall-postinstall Step 2: copy the 'react-native-render-html+6.3.4.patch' file to the patches folder that should exist in the route folder (ios, android, src, node_modules, patches) Step 3: add "scripts": { "postinstall": "patch-package" } if it is not there in package.json Step 4: npm install

post install should mean that when you build the patch is reapplied , hope this helps

awlodarczyk commented 1 month ago

@ivanoikon @Cube321 like @Simba-Mupfunya said, You need patch-package in your project installed. after that just put patch file to patches directory and run npx/npm/yarn patch-package

this should override files in react-native-render-html and solve defaultProps issue

Cube321 commented 1 month ago

Thanks guys, it worked! However, I had to create the "patches" folder manually before uploading the file from @awlodarczyk and running npx patch-package.

nimesh5233 commented 1 month ago

if someone needs, here is patch-package fixing issue


yes working fine for me , thanks

matiasgalo999 commented 1 month ago

@ivanoikon @Cube321 Step 1: npm install --save-dev patch-package postinstall-postinstall Step 2: copy the 'react-native-render-html+6.3.4.patch' file to the patches folder that should exist in the route folder (ios, android, src, node_modules, patches) Step 3: add "scripts": { "postinstall": "patch-package" } if it is not there in package.json Step 4: npm install

post install should mean that when you build the patch is reapplied , hope this helps

In my case I had to manually create a "patches" folder in the root directory of my app after installing patch-package.

hyuk9833 commented 1 month ago

I made "pathes" forder and run "npm install" but it's not my solution. Is there any other option?

Simba-Mupfunya commented 1 month ago

I made "pathes" forder and run "npm install" but it's not my solution. Is there any other option?

@hyuk9833 I think you have a typo in "patches"

hyuk9833 commented 1 month ago

I made "pathes" forder and run "npm install" but it's not my solution. Is there any other option?

@hyuk9833 I think you have a typo in "patches"

umm reply has typo but my forder name is right spell.How can I make sure that the patch went well


Is this log working properly?

lorenjohnson commented 1 month ago

Thanks @awlodarczyk! Works for me. FYI: In a comment to react-native-render-html+6.3.4.patch I added the same patch with the package relative paths expected by "yarn patch" vs using patch-package.

Zodiarche commented 1 month ago

@ivanoikon @Cube321 Step 1: npm install --save-dev patch-package postinstall-postinstall Step 2: copy the 'react-native-render-html+6.3.4.patch' file to the patches folder that should exist in the route folder (ios, android, src, node_modules, patches) Step 3: add "scripts": { "postinstall": "patch-package" } if it is not there in package.json Step 4: npm install

post install should mean that when you build the patch is reapplied , hope this helps

Works for me too, even if we are not on an architecture with iOS/Android/src/node_modules :

Don't forget to create the patches folder for people in my situation.

customputing commented 3 weeks ago

I am glad to see a fix is happening, will it get merged so I can update with npm? This is the only html render option I found to work in mine.

dezudas commented 3 weeks ago

what about creating a Fork for this, could have been better then patch

DanielKuhn commented 1 week ago

There's lots of forks - would anyone care to become the official? Anyways: I tried applying the react-native-render-html+6.3.4.patch to no avail, but found the same changes as a commit in the fork by @TuurDutoit: So I created the 588th fork of this project and simply cherry-picked that commit on top...

DanielKuhn commented 1 week ago

Upon further development I found that this fork by @meliorence already seems to be the official one (at least it's being referenced by npm:, and it's already released as 6.4.0 AND the master branch already includes the commit with the fix.

Can anyone tell me then, why I can't install version 6.4.0 via package.json, as in "react-native-render-html": "6.4.0", ?

david-cahill commented 1 week ago

The patch doesn't fix the issue for me either. @DanielKuhn You can point to master branch from package.json like: "react-native-render-html": "meliorence/react-native-render-html#master" however this fails during yarn install with the following error:

const configPluginsFirstPass = extendDefaultPlugins([

TypeError: extendDefaultPlugins is not a function
    at Object.<anonymous> (/node_modules/react-native-render-html/scripts/processSvgAssets.js:9:32)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1358:14)
    at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1416:10)
    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1208:32)
    at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1024:12)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:174:12)
    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:28:49
DanielKuhn commented 1 week ago

@david-cahill Yes, same here. This is due to react-native-render-html being a monorepo where the actual code resides in packages/render-html, therefore you need to go through gitpkg and specify the current master's commit like so:

"react-native-render-html": ""

DanielKuhn commented 1 week ago

This is painful, though. It seems like original maintainer @jsamr ran out of steam on these packages. He released version 6.4.0 in with changelog, but seems to have forgotten to bump the version number in packages/render-html/package.json, therefore it's still referenced as 6.3.4 in yarn.lock, plus it's not published to npm...

Anyways, now that the fix is applied I get a new defaultProps-related warning from the table-plugin. I'll try to fix that next.

david-cahill commented 1 week ago

Unfortunately the gitpkg approach results in a bunch of type declaration errors on my side. @jsamr Is there any chance you can publish 6.4.0 to npm to avoid these work-arounds?

bruce-mec commented 1 week ago

@david-cahill, I was able to use the patch suggested by @awlodarczyk above. This is how I got it to work.

Add the following as devDependencies

"patch-package": "^8.0.0" 
"postinstall-postinstall": "^2.1.0"

Create a "patches" folder in the root of your project Copy the react-native-render-html+6.3.4.patch file into that folder.

Add postinstall to your scripts section in package.json

"scripts": {
    "postinstall": "patch-package"

You should now be able to run npm or yarn and get the following result. ** if you get an error about "patch....could not be parsed". It's likely a CRLF issue in the patch file sometimes caused by the windows file system if you're using windows. See here

% yarn yarn install v1.22.22 [1/4] 🔍 Resolving packages... success Already up-to-date. $ patch-package patch-package 8.0.0 Applying patches... react-native-render-html@6.3.4 ✔ ✨ Done in 0.52s.