It uses the sparse-vector data structure defined in level-1/sysutils.lisp, for which there is no defined iterator, even less so a publicly exported one.
The following code gets you further, but there are still failures in the test suite with it:
(defun %make-readtable-iterator (readtable)
(flet ((ensure-alist (x)
#.`(etypecase x
(list x)
,@(uiop:if-let (sv (uiop:find-symbol* '#:sparse-vector :ccl nil))
(let ((table (uiop:symbol-call :ccl '#:sparse-vector-table x)))
(uiop:while-collecting (c)
(loop for i below (length table) do
(uiop:if-let ((v (svref table i)))
(loop with i8 = (ash i 8)
for j below (length v) do
(uiop:if-let ((datum (svref v j)))
(c (cons (code-char (+ i8 j)) datum))))))))))))))
(let ((char-macros
(#.(or (uiop:find-symbol* '#:rdtab.macros :ccl nil) (uiop:find-symbol* '#:rdtab.alist :ccl)) readtable))))
(lambda ()
(if char-macros
(destructuring-bind (char . defn) (pop char-macros)
(if (consp defn)
(values t char (car defn) t (ensure-alist (cdr defn)))
(values t char defn nil nil)))
(values nil nil nil nil nil))))))
CCL has recently changed its internal representation of readtables, and this broke named-readtables:
It uses the sparse-vector data structure defined in level-1/sysutils.lisp, for which there is no defined iterator, even less so a publicly exported one.
The following code gets you further, but there are still failures in the test suite with it: