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HDR Crash #1

Open melissagottula opened 12 years ago

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

When I try to set up the HDR options for a time-lapse, the program crashes on my Iphone 4. Specifically, in the "HDR" option under time-lapse, when I touch "exposure interval" or "number of shots" the program immediately crashes and dumps me to the Iphone icons screen.

I downloaded the program yesterday. I phone 4, used with a Canon 60D.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

My TH cable just arrived. Thanks. When in TL HDR mode, both the "Exposure Interval" and "Number of Shots" crash the app on iOS 5.1.1 - so HDR doesn't work beyond the default 3 shot 1/3 EV setting.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

I haven't receive my trigger happy hardware yet but I have downloaded your iOS app. I have troubles in HDR menu... When I hit the "Exposure interval" or "Number of shots" button the app interupt and close itself. Is it because it's not connected to the dslr with the cable or a bug for you to fix... I don't know but I tell you...

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

The one problem I am having is the HDR settings. When I tap the EXPOSURE LEVEL under the HRD tab of TIME LAPSE, the program shuts down. The same happens with tapping the NUMBER OF SHOTS.

When will you be updating the iOS program so we can enjoy the full capability of the program?

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

Got my Trigger Happy Remote about a week ago, and I've been having an issue where the app crashes any time I attempt to make any changes to the settings in HDR mode (exposure interval, number of shots). Using a Nikon D5100. Any idea why?

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

In HDR, whenever I tap exposure interval, number of shots, or base shutter, the app immediately crashes.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

In the app, trying to adjust the HDR settings crashes it. iPhone 4.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

Aside from app crashes while trying to change/view settings (HDR) and difficulty with the connection in extremely brief testing everything else seems to work. At least I can trigger via the app etc.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

Hey guys, I love the device + apps so far with one exception, the app crashes whenever I try to adjust the HDR parameters. It crashes every single time. I'm using a VZW iPhone 4 on the latest iOS firmware without any OS hacking.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

Going to Time Lapse->HDR (tab)->HDR (pull right)->any button (Exposure Interval, Number of Shots, Base Shutter each simply crash the iOS app. I would tell you the version I'm running, but the About doesn't include that (that would be a good addition too ;-)

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

I just received my unit this week and downloaded the application from the iTunes store. The general functions of the app work like a champ and my Nikon D90 works well with your kit. Unfortunately, on my iPhone 3GS, trying to view/change anything in the Time Lapse>HDR>HDR section causes an app crash (crashes as soon as I touch the HDR button w/in the HDR section).

I've tried this with and without the actual cable connected to the phone (I didn't expect it to make a difference, but wanted to cover all bases before dropping you a note).

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

App crashes too in the HDR module when I tap "number of shots" or "exposure interval.

Iphone is up to date with ios version, restarted the phone twice. Port on the camera is know good as it works fine with an external GPS unit I have.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

2) I cannot select any of the options with the HDR mode i.e. Exposure Interval, Number os shots & Base Shutter. Every time I try to access I get kick out of the application. I have double checked the version and I have the latest one 1.0.2.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

I received my Trigger Happy cable yesterday and downloaded the app. All seemed fine until I attempted to set the exposure interval or number of shots in HDR. Every time I tap the exposure interval or number of shots buttons, the app crashes. It happens whether or not the cable is plugged in to the camera. Please let me know how I can get this working.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

When I connect the cable to my D700 and try to do HDR, the camera is on bulb and the HDR screen will not allow me to change EV or Number of exposures. If I try to change either, the app quits and I loose the connection

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

The IOS app will not allow me to do the HDR and change the number of shots, exposure interval or base shutter.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

I figured how to set camera to BULB. That looked like a start. Then I set up the APP for HDR. It still does not change exposure time.

I can plug in my manual release, hold the release down for X seconds and it will correctly expose for that time.

It is acting as though the software is not managing the shutter terminal re the time to expose.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

It actually works, the problem is that the HDR portion of the iOS app still terminates the program. Any updates to the app would be great.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

I got the camera to fire, with the remote however when I go into HDR and try to set number of shots or EV it just bounces back out of the app and onto the home screen for all of my apps. Hopefully after waiting all these months it's a simple fix.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

Got my unit today. Psyched to play with it. Only problem so far seems to be when trying to select Number of Shots under the HDR tab, the app crashes.

Running an iPhone4. Any other reported issues with this?

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

Hello, i juste recieve my trigger and wanted to test it. I noticed that running on my iphone 4S, the app crash when you want to modify something in the HDR section. And it did all the time.

I try with my iPad2 and the app doesn't crash in this section.

In order to help you to fix the problem i attack in this message the crash report

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

The standard time lapse does work, but switching to HDR crashes the app.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

some one CAN tell me why i cannot change the number of shoot in the HDR panel. If i set it to 5 pictures, it automaticaly return to 3 pic. ??????

And on iPhone when i tap eitheir exposure interval button, number of shoot or base shutter, the app crash all the time.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

have some problems with the app. When I try to access to the following menu, the app crash : Time Lapse > HDR > HDR > Exposure Interval

I tried with iPad and everything work ! It's only with iPhone.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

Then the bad news. Your software is broken with this adapter! Fire! works, Time Sequence works, but I bought the device for HDR. Alas.... selecting either Exposure Interval or Number of Shots bombs the software -- on a iPhone 4s.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

App crashed numerous times when trying to adjust settings under the Time Lapse HDR and BRAMP menu's. Even when no unit is plugged in it crashed. I have attached the diagnostic report from my phone if that would help.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

When I try to go on to the HDR menu the application crashes

Other options load fine

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

I just received the trigger happy cable :) I downloaded the app on iphone 4 but it crashes when i try to set any settings on the hdr section. I tested on an ipad 3 and eventhough i can set the exposure intervals and everything seems to be working fine (it does not crash) the exposures do not seem to affected on the nikon d200 hence for example i set for 3 exposures with an exposure bracket of +-2 EV and have the camera at bulb mode and i get 3 pictures of the same exposure. Am i doing something wrong ? If not could you please fix it since i cannot use any of the hdr features. The main reason i supported and backed your project is that it gives the capability to make hdr shots with greater than +-1 exposure values on nikon cameras. I hope to be able to use the full features soon.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

Hi, I purchased the trigger happy mainly for its HDR capabilities. Unfortunately whenever I try and use the app to modify my HDR settings the app crashes to my home screen. It happens for both the exposure interval and number of shots button. Could you make a fix to rectify this issue? Jarryd

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

On iPhone, but not iPad, the app crashes when trying to set HDR Exposure Interval or Number of Shots.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

I funded Trigger Happy through Kickstarter, and I'm hoping you guys are successful. I was particularly interested in expanding the bracket settings for autobracketinb beyond the 3 steps that Canon offers. After some wait, I received my Trigger Happy cord for my Canon 5D Mk II. Unfortunately the app crashes immediately upon selecting any of the settings in the HDR section of the app. I will probably never use the app for anything else other than exposure bracketing, so I'm hoping you can get this problem fixed. I'm not wanting to make any public complaint on iTunes, so I'm contacting you through your web site.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

I received my Tripper today, but the app is crashing on my iPod Touch with iOs 5.1.1 in HDR Mode. And you need to work a lot on this app. Its the heart of the System and has a lot of bugs. The yellow triangel is driving me crazy and did not make sence. Timelapse and HDR sould work like the NIKON MC-36 Remote.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

I cannot select any of the options with the HDR mode i.e. Exposure Interval, Number os shots & Base Shutter. Every time I try to access I get kick out of the application. I have double checked the version and I have the latest one 1.0.2.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

I finally got my cable and tried it on my Canon 7D. Time lapse works fine, but in HDR mode if I touch either Exposure Interval or Number of Shots, the app quits. Only Base Shutter works. I have an iPhone 3GS with IOS vs 5.1.1 (9B206). Very disappointing since HDR mode is the sole reason I invested in this. Any help would be appreciated.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

By the way, the HDR mode crashes on my iPhone but works OK on my iPad. Same IOS build (5.1.1 9B206) Go figure.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

I own a c3 trigger happy remote and am having problems with the HDR section of the app as I'm sure you have been hearing about. The app crashed when you try to change any HDR settings. I own a canon 7D with ver 2 firmware. Will there be a fix coming soon for this app?

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

Clicking on HDR causes the Trigger Happy ap to crash.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

i guys, just received my cable yesterday! Easy to setup, all working well - except for HDR mode.

Every time I click on Exposure Interval or Number of Shots, the app crashes. This happens with or without the camera connected.

Just to out the pressure on... HDR was the MAIN reason I bought TRIGGERHAPPY :)

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

The app crashes in HDR mode when you try to make selections.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

iPhone 4 IOS version 5.1.1 (9B206) Nikon D7000 Firmware A 1.02 B 1.03 L 1.002 I can get the HDR to fire only if I don't change any settings. If I try to go into the HDR | Number of shots or Base shutter the app crashes

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

I've tried this on both iPod Touch and iPhone4 running iOS5.1.1 and on both the application crashes if you try to change Exposure Interval or number of shots under Time lapse -> HDR -> HDR.

I hope you can fix this soon as it won't give a very good impression on my review where I will compare trigger happy against triggertrap mobile.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

The remote feature of the app works fine. That is, it will take photos. Trying to change any of the HDR settings of the app causes it to crash every time.

Nikon D3100 iPhone 4S iOS 5.1.1

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

I guess you know it doesn't work on the 5D Mk2. Crashes no matter what.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

I received my Trigger Happy yesterday. Thank you for the wonderful product. I go to make a setting on the HDR menu and the application shuts down. I think you have a bug to iron out. Will there be an update available soon?

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

I received my Trigger Happy today, thanks. I have a Canon 7D and an iPhone and iPad. When I try to get HDR working the iPhone app flips off without any error message. I read your sparse documentation. I placed my camera in Manual and turned off AF. I was first trying to set it up as mentioned: 5 shots, base shutter of 9 sec., interval of 4 sec., anytime I try to select one of those options it exits the app.

The app will trigger the shutter by pressing the red screen.

What now? Is there a manual. HDR is a mode that is essential, if that doesn't work then my small investment will just be written off and I will need to seek something else that does work.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

I've waited very patiently for 2 months to get this cable after pledging my $50 on kickstarter. I finally received it yesterday and today ( 8:30am I'm so excited to try it out) I find out the app crashes every time I try to make an adjustment in the HDR menu (Exposer Interval or Number of Shots). The app just quits. I have read and made sure my phone is set up exactly the way you describe in your FAQ, I have tried it in both Manual and Bulb settings and the app triggers my camera in every other way except the one that I paid $50 to get out of it, HDR. I also deleted the app from my phone and reinstalled it to make sure I have the latest update. Why is this happening?

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

Can't change the HDR settings without crashing the app (Canon 7D / iOS app) Got my Trigger Happy today, no problems getting started, but trying to change any of the preset HDR settings will crash the app. Also, the presets will fire the camera but the exposures do not vary.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

Finally received my cable today, downloaded the app and went to test it out.

Works fine to trigger single shots, but when I go into the HDR settings as soon as I touch any of the options the app crashes.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

Also (not that it matters much given the other problem, but) the app crashes from the HDR screen when I press either Exposure Interval or Number of Shots (I'm a developer so I'm on IOS 6, fyi)

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

I just received my trigger happy product after $50 and 6 months of waiting. All I can say is what a disappointment. The entire reason for getting the product was to shoot bracketed photos for HDR and the iphone app doesn't work! please please please get to work and fix the iphone app.

melissagottula commented 12 years ago

First of all, congrats on the great product and thanks for sending me my C3 cable! Basic functions work just fine. However, I set my 5d Mark II on Bulb and try to configure the exposure interval (or number of shots) and the the IOS app just crashes back to the phone menu. Actually it has the same behavior without the camera plugged in. Any ideas? Am I missing something obvious?