melissamonk-NOAA / Vermilion_2021

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DATA 4 Age Data #6

Open melissamonk-NOAA opened 3 years ago

melissamonk-NOAA commented 3 years ago

Inventory of all available otoliths for the assessment

Model Source Number aged as of 4May2021 Number Remaining to Age Number Crossread Data Folder
South NWFSC HL survey 9,332 0 xxx Data
South NWFSC trawl survey 365 541 xxx Data and SQL VRML_rockfish_otoliths
South Green binder 426 0 240 Data & SQL CDFW_Green_Binder_data multiple tables
South Don Pearson gfish studies 69 0 0 Data & SQL
North CDFW Commercial 186 91 47 SQL VRML_rockfish_otoliths
North CDFW Recreational 30 19 30 SQL CALREC.dbo.rec_fish
North Cal Poly Recreational 0 12 0 SQL VRML_rockfish_otoliths
North Abrams thesis 82 0 0 Data & SQL other_research_otoliths.dbo.jeff_abrams_thesis
North NWFSC trawl 459 11 xxx Data
North CCFRP 0 70 xxx xxx
North Don Pearson gfish studies 232 0 0 Data & SQL


  1. Commercial ages are going in temporary tables because many are from boxed otoliths and cannot be cataloged on CALCOM
  2. I am not including any of the CARE exchange crossreads in the above table - I am adding those separately for now.

Other available otoliths not read:

melissamonk-NOAA commented 3 years ago

@EJDick-NOAA Green binder lengths and ages* uploaded

melissamonk-NOAA commented 3 years ago

@EJDick-NOAA Jeff Abrams ages uploaded. I also forgot that we also aged the GF_Ecology fish from south of Conception. I split the ages into two sheets and they're also uploaded to the drive.