melix / jmh-gradle-plugin

Integrates the JMH benchmarking framework with Gradle
Apache License 2.0
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Feature request: jmh:benchmark-name task #152

Open perlun opened 5 years ago

perlun commented 5 years ago

Thanks for a nice plugin!

At the moment, ./gradlew jmh will run all JMH benchmarks in a project. This is often useful, but sometimes you might want to selectively run just one or a few benchmarks.

The pre-existing include setting is useful for this, but it would be even nicer if you could also provide a class name on the command line. Something like ./gradlew jmh-run pattern or similar. Feel free to come up with a better implementation detail. The key point is to be able to cherry-pick a particular test that should be executed, to avoid having to run the full test suite every time (which might be incredibly time consuming).

bric3 commented 2 years ago

I tried the tasks.create<JMHTask>("benchmarkName") {} approach but this didn't work well for reasons I didn't get.

At this time I'm using this approach

jmh {
  warmupIterations.set(5) // -wi 5
  iterations.set(5) // -i 5
  warmup.set("1") // -w 1
  timeOnIteration.set("1") // -r 1
  benchmarkMode.set(listOf("avgt")) // -bm avgt
  timeUnit.set("ns") // -tu ns

tasks.create("bmName") {
  jmh.fork.set(1) // -f 1

tasks.create("bmNameFork3Times") {
  jmh.fork.set(3) // -f 3

However this approach doesn't allow to chain these tasks.

zabetak commented 1 month ago

Running individual benchmarks via the command line (CLI) without requiring modifications to the build script would be a very nice feature indeed.

I suppose the most canonical way of doing this would be something like:

./gradlew jmh --includes=TheNameOfTheSpecificClassToRun

which is what is also proposed in via the @Option annotation.

As a workaround in Apache Calcite we are using custom Gradle project properties that override the respective includes (see