rank/last active (in days resolution), and maybe more statistics.
I could also contain some kind of list/link of small areas where the person has active transmitters (as this actually is already available).
You could get to the profile page through the contact list, the ranking list, or maybe the message list too.
The players last known position, in small area resolution, could also be interesting but unless it fulfills som purpose I would not do that. Maybe a "ping" function where both parts would have to agree.
rank/last active (in days resolution), and maybe more statistics. I could also contain some kind of list/link of small areas where the person has active transmitters (as this actually is already available). You could get to the profile page through the contact list, the ranking list, or maybe the message list too.
The players last known position, in small area resolution, could also be interesting but unless it fulfills som purpose I would not do that. Maybe a "ping" function where both parts would have to agree.
See https://plus.google.com/+ErikMelkersson/posts/R95Jn7e2Rt2