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BAIL_OUT when xelatex is not found? #424

Closed guest20 closed 1 year ago

guest20 commented 1 year ago

should this die be a BAIL_OUT ?

Quoth Test::More:

BAIL_OUT($reason); Indicates to the harness that things are going so badly all testing should terminate. This includes the running of any additional test scripts. This is typically used when testing cannot continue such as a critical module failing to compile or a necessary external utility not being available such as a database connection failing.

Right now this die in 00-prepare-tests.t skips creating the test db, because a critical tool is missing. When that happens the tests continue, but any time they talk to the database they die.

To me this sounds like an ideal place for a BAIL_OUT

melmothx commented 1 year ago

Yes indeed. Thanks for the report.