melmothx / amusewiki

Text::Amuse-based publishing platform
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How convert doc or docx file offline with offline tools #472

Open yodatak opened 2 weeks ago

yodatak commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks again for building amusewiki, i want to make offline conversion of doc to amuse file to prepare file before upload without using web, is there a perl script to do this i see with html i must use did i need to use pandoc i want to preserve as mutch footnotes as possible

Th@nks again

melmothx commented 2 weeks ago

yodatak @.***> writes:

Thanks again for building amusewiki, i want to make offline conversion of doc to amuse file to prepare file before upload without using web, is there a perl script to do this i see with html i must use did i need to use pandoc i want to preserve as mutch footnotes as possible

I always used libreoffice to convert do to html and then html to muse. Some manual labor is needed though, but usually works decently.

-- Marco