melnijir / Dicaffeine

Repository for things connected to Dicaffeine player/streamer.
MIT License
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standalone player #21

Open sdboer78 opened 2 years ago

sdboer78 commented 2 years ago

I want to use this software in a standalone player. A PI without keyboard and/or mouse.

When the PI starts, the software starts automatically and have to detect if a configurated stream is available. If it is available then it plays automatically. If the stream is not available, the software wait and polled every x seconds until the stream become available and the it wil play. Same when the steam disappears, the software starts again polling.

melnijir commented 2 years ago

There is the autorun after start option in the management interface:


Robc001 commented 2 years ago

Hello I am having an issue that Autorun is not working.. I have selected as you show above but when I reboot the PI it stops at the desktop screen and dosnt start Dicaffeine? I have clicked on the check for updates button and it found 2 updates and installed them but didnt fix the issue.. Do you have any suggestions ?

AchilleD commented 7 months ago

Same problem here, Autorun is not working on fresh install (RPI 4, Bookworm), last version of Dicaffeine. Is that a bug ? Or due to a bad configuration ?

melnijir commented 6 months ago

It's because of the changes in Bookworm release, Dicaffeine uses systemd service with as a starting point - sadly it looks like it's not working anymore. You can use ugly fix to use the autorun option. Open systemd file in an editor, for example in console do:

sudo nano -w /usr/share/systemd/user/dicaffeine.service

and in the [Service] section add the line:

ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 5

it should delay the service start enough to ensure the GUI is working already. After that you'll need to re register the service:

systemctl --user daemon-reload

Autorun should be running again on a next reboot. To be sure, you can set the time longer than 5 seconds.

AchilleD commented 6 months ago

I work perfectly ! Thank you !