melonwan / crossingNet

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How to obtain the hand center location from the depth image? #2

Open LuciaXu opened 6 years ago

LuciaXu commented 6 years ago

Hi, @melonwan . Thanks very much for sharing your amazing work. I've been trying to follow your this work recently. I noticed that hands are cropped from the depth using the center location from file: center_uvd_train.mat. I wonder how you obtained these center data. (I tried with the function Detector you provided in line 83. However, the results are not very good. Am I missed something there?) Looking forward very much for your reply.

melonwan commented 6 years ago

Hey LuciaXu, Thanks a lot for your interest. For NYU dataset, we used another hand detector network to obtain the hand center data, which is not a part of this project. Also, the posterior estimation network here is used for MSRA and NYU dataset. A more complicated network is used for NYU. We will update this network function later.

LuciaXu commented 6 years ago

Thanks very much for your detailed explanation and quick reply. Looking forward to your updates.