melowntech / workshop

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Segmentation fault (core dumped) #28

Open xinnai opened 3 years ago

xinnai commented 3 years ago

Hi, I follow this document : And when I run mapproxy-calipers srtm/dem --referenceFrame melown2015 I got this ERROR: 2020-07-15 00:36:16 I3 [12790(main)]: [mapproxy-calipers] Config: dataset = "/var/vts/mapproxy/datasets/srtm/dem" referenceFrame = melown2015 {main.cpp:configure():157} Segmentation fault (core dumped) How can I fix this?

ladislavhorky commented 3 years ago

Hello xiannai,

what does gdalinfo /var/vts/mapproxy/datasets/srtm/dem say? It should be valid GDAL dataset at least.

For the record, there is working but not-yet-documented tool mapproxy-setup-resource that covers all these steps. Just run

mapproxy-setup-resource --referenceFrame melown2015 --id <pick id> \
                        --group <pick group> --dataset <path to your source dataset> \
                        --attribution "your data attribution text"

Once finished, you can browser through to your resource at http://yourserver:8070/mapproxy/melown2015/ .