I have a page with 2 tinymce editors on it. And just installed your code editor plugin (which is very nice, BTW). If I try to use the code editor plugin on the first editor, when I click Save, it overwrites the contents of the second editor with the value instead of updating the first. It appears that tinymce.activeEditor is not always returning the editor that the plugin was called from. I hacked around it by passing the editor variable to displayToxEditorModal and setting the id of the editor as a data attribute on the modal, which I then read back in saveContent()... But I'm sure there's probably a cleaner way to do it.
function displayToxEditorModal(e, display = true) {
let el = document.getElementById('tox-codeeditor-wrap');
if (display) {
el.dataset.editor = e.id;
el.style.display = "flex";
} else {
e = e || tinymce.get(el.dataset.editor);
el.style.display = "none";
function saveContent() {
let el = document.getElementById('tox-codeeditor-wrap');
let e = tinymce.get(el.dataset.editor);
e.undoManager.transact(function() {
@sanelson2000 I don't think this plugin is maintained any further. For anyone landing here in future, Try supercode plugin that I created for tinyMCE editor. It fixes all these issues and offers more.
I have a page with 2 tinymce editors on it. And just installed your code editor plugin (which is very nice, BTW). If I try to use the code editor plugin on the first editor, when I click Save, it overwrites the contents of the second editor with the value instead of updating the first. It appears that tinymce.activeEditor is not always returning the editor that the plugin was called from. I hacked around it by passing the editor variable to displayToxEditorModal and setting the id of the editor as a data attribute on the modal, which I then read back in saveContent()... But I'm sure there's probably a cleaner way to do it.