melroy999 / RareTrackerMaw

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Consumption not tracking properly #2

Closed SolarPhoenix closed 3 years ago

SolarPhoenix commented 3 years ago

Consumption Rare has 3 ID for each of its stages, 179769 -> normal - doesnt drop the loot - tracked by addon 179755 -> rare - drops loot - not tracked 179768 -> rare elite - same loot as rare - not tracked

Not sure how to fix this you would need to track both ID's but only show one If thats not possable, just track the rare

melroy999 commented 3 years ago

Interesting... I am not entirely certain on the best approach to take here, since it is indeed not possible in the current implementation to merge multiple entities. However, given that this is an addon made primarily for tracking rares, it is probably best to change the ID to that of the rare/rare elite for now, with the appropriate tags in the name. I will take a look at this later today.

melroy999 commented 3 years ago

I have uploaded a new version that has all three versions of consumption in the tracking list. Please let me know if the problem persists.