melt-umn / silver

An attribute grammar-based programming language for composable language extensions
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Silver precendence problems #297

Open tedinski opened 5 years ago

tedinski commented 5 years ago

Two immediate surprising bugs in Silver:

Precedence guidance

There are a few rules for choosing precedence:

C has an incredible influence on expectations, and while some of C's choice are, in simple fact, wrong (bitwise operator precedence: just wrong wrong wrong!), most of C's choices are now just universally conventional.

One of C's rules for precedence is:

  1. The tightest precedence is postfix operators. *a++ is *(a++).
  2. Next tightest precedence is prefix operators. *x + 1 is (*x) + 1.

What does Silver get wrong?

How should we fix this?

First, where?

  1. In Silver.
  2. We should add numeric negation to the Simple tutorial, and demonstrate how to fix it there, too. After all, this slipped by us for this long, obviously it should be pointed out and the best solution demonstrated. So first, what's the best solution?

Not thinking clearly at first, I thought this would be a problem. After all, how do we give two different precedences to -? But this is silly: we can apply operators to productions. What we're really suffering from here is over-abuse of the precedence/associativity capabilities.

We should adopt a new convention of limiting direct application of precedence/association to binary operators only, and instead develop a careful discipline for applying different rules for other operators (or the stray keyword, like else).

I think we can solve this problem by introducing two new pseudo-terminals:

terminal PostfixOperatorPrecedence // precedence = 24;
terminal PrefixOperatorPrecedence // precedence = 23;

And the idea is to, on appropriate productions, apply an operator choice explicitly, rather than relying on the implicit operator choice (for everything except normal binary operators.)

So for example:

concrete production neg
top::Expr ::= '-' e::Expr
operator = PrefixOperatorPrecedence

This gives prefix negation a higher precedence, so -x%2 will now parse more tightly: (-x) % 2, as has become expected due to C's conventions.

Fun Fact

I just discovered that neg already looks like:

concrete production neg
top::Expr ::= '-' e::Expr
precedence = 13

It seems someone in history thought precedence on productions was the same mechanism as precedence on terminals, and had tried to fix this issue. That's not true! This is perhaps evidence we should rename this mechanism?

So additional TODO items:

schwerdf commented 5 years ago

I think it would be more confusing to use two different terms for precedence.

tedinski commented 5 years ago

Ok, I'll defer to you on that one. I checked git blame for those erroneous lines, and they go all the way back to Derek's initial SVN commit transitioning from CVS. We could chalk the confusion up to documentation back then being poor to non-existent.

schwerdf commented 5 years ago

If the lines are from Derek's time, then they are likely from when Silver was still using Bison or Happy as the parsing backend, so it might just have been overlooked in the parser transition.