meltano / handbook

Source for Meltano's public handbook ( and public issue tracker for process and policy proposals that will be documented there.
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Replace Kickoff with async updates in #internal-announcements #303

Open DouweM opened 2 years ago

DouweM commented 2 years ago

The Kickoff is currently a recurring meeting for the whole team, but as it is mostly one-directional communication without much interactive component, there's no need for it to be synchronous:

As it's still good for department leads to make sure their priority boards are up to date each week, and for the team to know what departments are working on to push the company priorities forward, leaders will be expected to post updates in #internal-announcements every Monday. These can just be a link to the appropriate GitHub project with 1-4 issues highlighted.

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago


For each Dept. head's announcements, what do folks think of setting up Geekbot prompts and pings similar to how we have #virtual-standups for the engineers? I'm happy to help set that up if others would like to use it.

I prefer this approach because it feels like a nice balance of structure and ad-hoc and we can program in the right prompts without writing free-hand each time. (As an aside, Geekbot also seems to pickup retroactive edits which is nice for fixing typos after the report is published.)

tayloramurphy commented 2 years ago

@aaronsteers I quite like that - having an automated reminder will be super useful. What do you think of having a ping on Friday and an additional ping on Monday morning?

aaronsteers commented 2 years ago

@tayloramurphy - Yeah, that sounds great. I'll set it up. With the caveat that we can iterate on it and see what works well (or doesn't) for each team.

UPDATE: I've started a automated report with Geekbot here:

And I've started a thread in #leadership for further discussion.

DouweM commented 2 years ago

@therebbie Can you please update the handbook as appropriate? I think it would be good to mention this on the Leadership page, and refer to the Geekbot bot that asks for updates. And the strong recommendation to include links to the GitHub project and specific issues.

therebbie commented 2 years ago

PR on the above changes...