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Bug in tutorial: Incompatibility with DuckDB version #16

Open HeakyBorkie opened 5 months ago

HeakyBorkie commented 5 months ago

Steps to reproduce, follow to Step 6 - view loaded data:

root@codespaces-b20630:/workspaces/meltano-codespace-ready# ./meltano_tut select_db
=== Running select DB ===
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/workspaces/meltano-codespace-ready/codespaces_tutorial/", line 4, in <module>
    con = duckdb.connect(database='output/my.duckdb', read_only=True)
duckdb.IOException: IO Error: Trying to read a database file with version number 64, but we can only read version 51.
The database file was created with an newer version of DuckDB.

The storage of DuckDB is not yet stable; newer versions of DuckDB cannot read old database files and vice versa.
The storage will be stabilized when version 1.0 releases.

For now, we recommend that you load the database file in a supported version of DuckDB, and use the EXPORT DATABASE command followed by IMPORT DATABASE on the current version of DuckDB.

See the storage page for more information: