Meltano: the declarative code-first data integration engine that powers your wildest data and ML-powered product ideas. Say goodbye to writing, maintaining, and scaling your own API integrations.
[ ] @dmor [DOCUMENTATION] "Connecting Data Sources" step needs instructions for which tap to select (Carbon Intensity) to complete the quickstart. (So strange not having this, was this removed?)
[ ] @dmor [DOCUMENTATION] After completing my target selection, the UI forces me to a page demanding Airflow installation. This does not currently match the docs (which go straight to running the ELT). We should warn the user so they don't get confused
[ ] @dmor [DOCUMENTATION] Need to update the link to go to the installing airflow instructions in the quickstart? (not sure, but at least should make sure this info all matches up)
[ ] @dmor [DOCUMENTATION] Probably should tell the user to turn ON the toggle for the DAG they created?
[ ] @dmor [FOLLOWUP] After adding the model, I used control+c to kill and it didn't work. Will I need to go manually kill individual pids?
[ ] @dmor [PRODUCT] Analyze works, but this data set is so confusing... what am I even looking at? How can I just see all the data so I can see the headers and construct a query that actually makes sense? This doesn't seem like a great demo data set... we need something where the first useful query is obvious
[ ] @dmor [FOLLOWUP] Unclear if all the data has been pulled in. Did my ETL pull everything including backfill?
[ ] @dmor [FOLLOWUP] I can see that Airflow is running something in the background related to "INFO - Harvesting DAG parsing results" but my DAG is "OFF" so what is this? (My guess: backfilling -- and if we are going to do this we should let the user configure it in the UI)
[ ] @dmor [PRODUCT] "Save" path on an analyze result is unclear -- you name the results and then you name a dashboard?
[ ] @dmor [WRITE ISSUE] I created a dashboard from Analyze, but when I go to Dashboards it is not clickable and still shows the empty state note telling me to create a dashboard
[ ] @dmor [PRODUCT] "Save" versus "Save As" path is confusing, easy to save over a report I didn't mean to
[ ] @dmor [WRITE ISSUE] Seems like saving to a dashboard I create from Dashboards works, but one created from Analyze might not. Need to investigate in more detail.
[ ] @dmor [DOCUMENTATION] Need to update docs with example queries to run and screenshots of results
[ ] @dmor [PRODUCT] Need to think about a better example data set (there are TONS of open data sets)
Migrated from GitLab:
Originally created by @dmor on 2019-06-11 18:56:14
Dogfooding on Meltano v0.27 following instructions at:
YouTube video of this dogfooding session: