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I really like your site and games ! #3

Open DrDru opened 2 years ago

DrDru commented 2 years ago


You just posted a link to your site under a comment I made on Hackernews in which I shared my project making use of pixel art. I have tried both of your games Counterfeit Monkey, Dungeon Memalign and I really like how you keep things simple and use emojis as assets to illustrate the story.

You may have had a look at the rest of my site. I write stories in Japanese to teach Japanese through reading. I use emojis a lot to illustrate them. Like you I explore the link between video games and story telling. I am a big fan of Final Fantasy VII and in one of my project I am trying to write a story that reproduces the Final Fantasy universe but as a static site. The beginning is here : . It is in Japanese but you might be able to follow what's going on with the illustrations. I find that battles are an important part of the story in the Final Fantasy games so my story includes some as you can see if you scroll down this page :

I still don't know exactly where I am going with this whole pixel art project. I was thinking of maybe creating a Choose your own adventure book (in Japanese) illustrated with pixel art and your games have given me some new ideas.

Anyway, it is really cool to see some site like yours out there.


memalign commented 2 years ago

Thank you for exploring the website and playing these games! I’m really happy to hear that you found these interesting! Thank you for the kind words :)

Your stories remind me of comic books! Have you considered using Twine ( for the interactive adventure book? I haven’t used it myself but I know it’s very popular and could be a good fit for your project.