membermatters / MemberMatters

An open source membership, access and payments portal for makerspaces and community groups.
MIT License
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Plans for groups feature? #136

Closed Juul closed 3 years ago

Juul commented 3 years ago

I just tried out MemberMatters from Docker and it looks great! I noticed the "groups" feature says "Sorry, this feature hasn't been implemented yet". Is this feature close to completion and will it include the ability to have per-group admins? Our community space has multiple hackerspaces so this feature would be very important to us.

jabelone commented 3 years ago

Hi @Juul, that feature is unfortunately about to be deprecated. It was pretty basic and we (HSBNE) don't have a use for it any more. It allowed us to track what "groups" a member were part of such as the metal workshop, digital fabrication, electronics, etc. In other words, a member could decide what groups they wanted to be part of and select those groups. Since I rewrote the frontend last year it never got re-implemented because we just don't use it any more (that's why it says not implemented yet).

In terms of having a permissions system, we don't have anything like that yet. You can only mark an account as having full admin access, or normal access.

If you have different spaces across multiple physical sites (or the same site I guess), you could setup a Member Matters instance for each one if they're pretty separate organisationally. If they're all part of the same organisation/membership system, you could have multiple door controllers talk over the internet back to a single Member Matters instance. At HSBNE we have multiple buildings that are all interconnected via the same network, but there's no reason it won't work across a VPN or the internet with correct port forwarding. In fact, I've connected door controllers to our instance from home as our instance is publicly accessible (so members can login from home). :)

jabelone commented 3 years ago

If you want to describe your setup/scenario in more detail I'm happy to have a discussion about putting something that may be useful on the development roadmap. It's an area I've been thinking about for a little while.

Juul commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply! We have about 10 collectives with all of them needing access to various doors that overlap between collectives and at least two collectives that need to manage payments and be able to set separate rates. Running multiple instances might be a solution but it definitely wouldn't be ideal. I'll have a look at the code and get a feel for it before making suggestions.

jabelone commented 3 years ago

Sounds good. I'll close this issue for now. Feel free to reply with any other questions or open a new issue once you've got a specific feature request/proposal.